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August Contest Details

JL|4973d ago |Blog Post|35|

So, we're heading into the final month of the summer. Another month means more chances to win some cool prizes. First, let me say congratulations to the winners of last month's prizes. Now, onto business.

This month, back by popular demand, we'll be offering you another chance to win an HDTV. We'll be keeping with the lottery style here. All you have to do is make 60 comments on FilmWatch in the month of August and you'll be entered in to win a free HDTV!

As always, you can earn extra entries into the lottery drawing for every 60 comments you make beyond the initial 60 (up to 5 entries per person).

We'll be going with another lottery style here so that everybody has a fair shot at winning. For this month, submit 20 submissions for the month of August and you'll be entered to win one Blu-ray Trilogy/Anthology box set of your choice (up to $80 value).

As always, you can earn extra entries into the lottery drawing for every 20 submissions you make beyond the initial 20 (up to 5 entries per person).

Also, be sure to check back through the month as we'll be giving away a couple other items throughout the month as I look to unload some cool items I picked up at Comic-Con, including a Blade Runner 4-Disc set and an autographed Clone Wars poster.

*Only one prize per person (doesn't count the giveaways later)
*Any cheating of any form will disqualify you from all contests for the month
*No pre-orders allowed

Crazay4973d ago

Nice prizes. I really hope I win the Blade Runner Boxset.

JL4973d ago (Edited 4973d ago )

I will warn you that the Blade Runner is DVD. But I got it at a raffle at SDCC and I have no use for it, so I figured I would share it with you guys.

Crazay4973d ago

I'm assuming it's the one with the multiple cuts of the movie?

JL4973d ago

Yea. It has the "Final Cut", the Theatrical Cut, International Cut and Director's Cut. Plus, tons of bonus features.

Soldierone4972d ago

Ooh Star Wars haha! Thats what came to mind with the boxset prize haha then I saw the Star Wars poster :P

Good luck to everyone, very awesome prizes this month!

Draken-F4972d ago

The starwars boxset, legit

JL4971d ago

There are several models that would fit under the budget I'm working with, so no specific TV has been selected yet (partly due to pricing changing over the course of the month).

Chances are that it will be 720p, but if I can swing 1080p, I will do that. Mostly it ends up being a call between some "off-brand" 1080p vs name-brand/quality 720p.

Sahil4970d ago

next month 3DTV, maybe :P

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