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June Contests: Win Superman Anthology or LotR Trilogy on Blu-ray or a New Blu-ray Player!

JL|4859d ago |Blog Post|40|

Well here we are again for the start of another month which means all new contests and chances to win cool prizes from FilmWatch.

Grand prizes this month include a brand new Blu-ray player which is sure to be a welcome addition to any movie lover's gear and really spice up your at-home movie viewing experience! We'll also be giving you a chance to win the brand new Superman Blu-ray Anthology or the Extended Edition Lord of the Rings Trilogy on Blu-ray that hit stores this month.

This month also kicks off summer. As you all know, that's a big time for the movie world as the summer blockbusters begin making their way to theaters. To help you enjoy all the great movies coming out, we'll also be giving you a chance to win free movie tickets/Fandango bucks, that way you can enjoy the latest releases on us. So, let's get down to business and you can find out just how to win these cool prizes.

We're doing it the same way we've done it the past couple of months: lottery style. You all know how this works. Simply make a certain amount of comments for the month and you'll be entered to win. This month we're making it even easier on you, though. Instead of the usual 60 comments, we're going to cut it down to 30 comments! Make just 30 comments for the month and you'll be entered to win the grand prize (details on that below).

Per usual, you can win extra entries for posting even more comments. For every 30 comments after the initial 30, you'll earn another entry into the drawing. This is limited to 5 entries per person.

As for what you'll be competing for, the lucky winner will have his/her choice of one of three items:
1. A brand new Blu-ray player
2. Superman Anthology on Blu-ray
3. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Extended Edition) on Blu-ray

A runner-up will be rewarded for their dedicated participation. The person with the most comments at the end of the month will win a $25 Fandango Gift Card so that you may treat yourself to a couple trips to the theater!

So, those comment contest prizes are pretty cool, right? Well, we're not going to leave our contributors out. We're giving you the same deal. A chance to win one of the same three grand prizes. This will be done lottery style as well.

To enter, all you have to do is simply submit 15 news pieces for the month. Submitting those will enter you in the drawing for the grand prize. The winner (like the comment contest winner) will have his/her choice of one of the following:
1. A brand new Blu-ray player
2. The Superman Anthology on Blu-ray
3. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Extended Edition) on Blu-ray

As with the comment contest, you too can win yourself extra entries. For every 15 submissions beyond the initial 15, you'll gain another entry into the drawing. This is limited to 5 entries per person.

To even things out, contributors will also get a chance to win some Fandango bucks. The member with the highest news score at the end of the month will win a $25 Fandango Gift Card to treat yourself to a couple trips to the theater as well!

So, there you have it ladies and gentlemen. All kinds of cool prizes for you this month. A nice way to kick off the summer. So get busy and you could be walking away with some cool loot at the end of the month.

Furthermore, be sure to check back throughout the month as we'll be doing a couple mini-contests that will give you a chance to win more cool prizes like more movie tickets/Fandango Bucks!

*Only one prize per person (mini-contests/giveaways not included)
*Any cheaters WILL be caught and WILL be disqualified from contests. Cheating includes spamming comments and other such scrupulous tactics.
*All winners must be willing to provide a mailing address so that we may ship said prizes
*All members are welcome to participate. Prizes are NOT limited to the United States

-Superman-4859d ago

So all i need is 30 posts or more right?

JL4859d ago

Correct. Though keep in mind, spamming comments will result in you being disqualified from the contest. So, don't just go around making thirty comments of "that's cool", "awesome", "this sucks" etc.

-Superman-4859d ago (Edited 4859d ago )

Nice, yep, no spam.
Wait... I have to post 30 post in filmwatch? or in forum? or where?

JL4859d ago

Just to clarify, it's 30 comments. Not sure if that's what you mean by "post" or if you're thinking that it means you have to post 30 posts/submissions.

But yes, the 30 comments have to be here on FilmWatch. Comments made anywhere else on the NewsBoiler network do not count.

Crazyglues4856d ago (Edited 4856d ago )

Why not Matrix Trilogy on Blu-Ray.. Wow that would be Awesome..

These are great too, but Matrix is such an epic movie it should be in the choices.. Superman Anthology or LotR Trilogy or Matrix Trilogy

-But then I guess people would probably say why not Star Wars Trilogy.. and I guess with so many possible choices it should just be winner picks.. they are all about the same price, right?

2 & 3 should be winner picks a Trilogy of their choice.. Since we all have different movie taste..

JL4856d ago

Well these two are new (releasing later this month), that's the reason I chose those. And I know they're two box sets that got a lot of attention/interest when they were announced on here previously. The Matrix Trilogy has been out for a long while on Blu-ray.

I just wanted to give people a chance to win these new sets since they're coming out this month. Much like how I'll make sure to include at least one copy of the Star Wars Trilogy on Blu-ray when it releases in September.

"2 & 3 should be winner picks a Trilogy of their choice"
Not quite sure what that part means. That 1,2,3 numbering in the contest details simply outlines the three choices that the grand prize winner will have. So one person will win, and then they'll get to choose one of those three items. It's not that 3 people are going to win with 1st getting Blu-ray player, 2nd getting Superman and 3rd getting LotR.

And yes, those three items are all the same amount, that's the reason I can offer the choice of one of those and still remain under budget.

Crazyglues4855d ago (Edited 4855d ago )

Oh ok I see, thanks for explaining that...

very nice package indeed then, I guess I looked over it too fast thought it was 3 winners for comment contest and three for contributor contest, my bad..

The prize is well thought out then -please disregard previous comment. (This is what happens when you forget to drink your coffee)

I also think it's really cool to do it this way, I like when the prize gives you a choice of which one you would like.

alycakes4859d ago

Sounds great...I'll get to work after my appointments today.

artsaber4859d ago

There are plenty of nice prizes.

Armadilo4859d ago

Where's the Hdtv I need one JL?

-MD-4859d ago

He ran that prize twice in a row. Can't be the same every month otherwise it'll get boring.

Sahil4859d ago

well.. i didn't win, so not boring for me :D

-MD-4859d ago

I didn't win one either lol it's good to switch it up though.

JL4859d ago

Don't worry. I'll get back to offering an HDTV as a prize at some point. Just gotta switch it up from time to time. And I know those two Blu-ray sets are hot items, so I wanted to make an allotment for them this month as they release later this month.

But never fear, I'll be giving away TVs again another time. I know how much people liked that prize.

Armadilo4858d ago

If I win this time could i exchange the movie for an Hdtv

JL4858d ago

Sorry, Armadilo. The dollar value of these box sets or the blu-ray do not at all equal the price of an HDTV, so a switch like that wouldn't be possible.

Armadilo4858d ago

Sorry then I'm just tired of my tv and wanted an hdtv its just that I cant afford an hdtv I could barely pay my bills and I'm still stuck in the last gen. But I know its my problem and nobody elses maybe just one day ill be lucky enough to win something

JL4858d ago

Like I said, don't get too down. I'll definitely bring the TV back at some point. And given the popularity of it, it should be sooner rather than later.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4858d ago
darklordzor4859d ago

Cool beans. Though it shortens my chances of winning, I must admit the 'lotto' style of winning is much better, considering all of the new members on the site now. Good luck!

JL4859d ago

Yes, I've found that lotto style to work best. This way new members aren't put off like they would be in score-based contests knowing they can't compete against the "power users" that have been here a while.

At the same time, I try to make sure that we do reward those "power users" as well. Hence the Fandango Bucks here and movie prizes in the past that are score-based.

I want everyone to have a chance! :)

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