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May Contest Winners

JL|4767d ago |Blog Post|13|

We're here at the end of the month again and that means more lucky winners getting free stuff courtesy of FilmWatch. You can find the list of winners below. All winners will be contacted shortly for prize information and details.

-MD- (2 Movies of Choice)

Grand Prize: artsaber (HDTV)

alycakes (Movie of Choice)
Crazay (Movie of Choice)

So, there you have it. Congratulations to all who won. As stated, winners will be contacted shortly for information and details. For a chance to win more prizes, keep an eye out for the June Contest details to go up soon.

-MD-4767d ago

Congrats to everybody that won.

artsaber4767d ago

Thanks for holding the contest guys. I'm simply caught off guard - happy but humble. Congrats to everyone that won, and everyone else, keep trying.

artsaber4766d ago

I appreciate the love. I hope you win something soon.

alycakes4767d ago

Congrats lucky dog...I'm sure you deserve it so you have a right to be happy.

Congrats to everyone else also as I'm excited to receive a movie myself...Thanks everyone.

artsaber4767d ago

I never expected to win, but I'm glad I gave it a chance and participated.

Armadilo4766d ago (Edited 4766d ago )

What the fudge!! DAMN I try my hardest and I never win!! I didn't even win a movie! What does a guy have to do to win something once in his life, my life suks.

-MD-4766d ago ShowReplies(2)
JL4766d ago

Despite implications, you weren't disqualified or anything. Just want you to know that.

The winners in these lottery style contests are chosen randomly by using a program to pick a winner from the eligible pool (which you were in fact in). After that it just comes down to luck of the draw. Don't get too down, though. I'm sure you'll get around to winning something eventually. Chances are pretty good for people here since it's a smaller community (as opposed to something like N4G).

So, don't give up. You'll get there :)

Megaton4766d ago

Congrats everybody. Winners gonna win.

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