
Halo Infinite's Delay Is a Big Blow to the Xbox Series X's Launch Plans

Ed writes: "The surprise announcement of the release window of the Xbox Series X and the delay of Halo Infinite has changed everything about its launch."

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Sonic-and-Crash1362d ago (Edited 1362d ago )

i dont understand why they didnt prepare a visually acceptable game up to this time really ...and wasnt one random game , is the damn Halo , the only flagship MS has to justify the purchase of Xbox ...they had plenty of time, a powerfull system and the whole MS empire to (probably ) support them technically ... they went really lazy imo ...there is no other explanation.....

Jin_Sakai1362d ago

Halo 4 had a decent campaign but horrible MP while Halo 5 had a horrible campaign but good MP. Then they revealed Halo Infinite and it looked like a current gen game at best. I think it’s safe to say 343i aren’t a talented flagship studio after all.

Marquinho1362d ago Show
IRetrouk1362d ago

Taking it a bit bad ain't ya? No need to pick on young miles man, not his fault he turned up looking better than chief🤷‍♂️

sprinterboy1362d ago

They need to move on from halo and gears imo, new blood, new ips

Viking_mo1362d ago


We dont know the full line up yet for the PS5

RazzerRedux1362d ago (Edited 1362d ago )

"It isn't as if Ps5 had a great launch lineup."

Quick! Talk about PlayStation!

darthv721362d ago

Neither the 360 nor the XBO have a halo game at launch. Both came out after and that will be the same for SS/SX.

chiefJohn1171362d ago (Edited 1362d ago )

But I bet the campaign would've been great as well as the MP and that's all that matter!!!. Who GAF if the graphics were current gen that's enough!

Outside_ofthe_Box1362d ago

"It isn't as if Ps5 had a great launch lineup. I mean.. it has a mini game like Miles Morales"

Lol someone is sweating bullets 😅 if they got to make up stuff to lessen the blow for their favorite plastic box lmao

"It will surely hurt XSX launch window but will help it once it gets released, in a proper way"

The delay doesn't gurrantee it will be released in a "proper way" though. It can still end up being a disappointment ala Crackdown 3. But obviously the idea behind the delay is to attempt to make sure that doesn't happen.

somethingcool871361d ago

They aren't as talented as Bungie for sure, but I think MS is equally guilty on this one. First they had 343i develop this as a current gen title, then had them switch it to next gen lunch title. And we all know they dropped the ball with the dev kits, I mean there are studios that still didn't get their hands on the dev kit as of now. But MS have no problem throwing their own developers under the bus and let them bite the bullet.

dietis_h1361d ago

@marquinho: it was a lot better than that thing that's supposed to be halo.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1361d ago
sprinterboy1362d ago (Edited 1362d ago )

The medium was the only one I liked, but agree what have they been doing for 7 years? 10 years if you count the lack of games twds 360 era.
At best xbox have only had 4 great years out of 20 when you think about it?
Maybe they just got lucky with the 360 launch and picking the right games at the time halo and gears, but they need to get there act together cause I still believe competition is great for all console companies.

caddytrek1362d ago

Funny because during those 4 best years they were selling a console with a 40% failure rate that ruined your disks.

RosweeSon1362d ago (Edited 1362d ago )

Bit of luck in the sense that Sony were having a rough gen with ps3 but mainly down to major money changing hands once that did so did the content as developers tend to go for the bigger audiences that’s not shade it’s just how it is if your making a game are you develop solely for a console with 10-15 million say like Dreamcast or 50-100 million at the time ps2s of course your gonna try do ps2. I cannot agree more tho they had a solid few years I was hooked pretty much from launch (month1 rather than day1) solid 9 years but yeah enough was enough paying for online I barely used and fancied a change haven’t looked back, maybe one day. I certainly won’t write them off but not holding my breath either

Caddytrek probably another reason they did so well that gen everyone was replacing their consoles within months I had a easy 3. White/elite which both got repaired and also finally the Star Wars model which I still have but yeah that’s what inflated their console sales hence I said they’d always struggle to clear 50 million this gen with a reliable console 🤷🏻‍♂️😂 ✌🏻😜 I bought at least 3 of the last one and I wasnt alone clearly. I did buy one of their current gen but it got sold months later once I’d smashed the games I was interested in.

kneon1362d ago

What they got right about the 360 launch was releasing 1-2 years ahead of the PS3 in the various regions. Without that lead they would have had no chance at all. And still the PS3 ended up selling more in a shorter period of time, even with a higher price.

leejohnson2221362d ago

343 has had 5 years since halo 5, i would imagine they had better than what was shown

DarXyde1362d ago

Unpolished as it is, a delay is definitely better than not having a delay. It was the right call to make. Pop-in during your world premiere probably isn't a good look, and they can't take it back. Might also help to run it on the Series X hardware too.

What WASN'T the right call was the decision to respond to fan backlash by BSing them. It would have gone over much more smoothly to say, "our priorities weren't in visuals, but the team is hard at work to improve leading up to launch. What we wanted to show was the current gameplay build, and the team is committed to making it a fast, fun, beautiful final product that fans and newcomers alike will be playing for years." Literally all they had to do. Now, the delay just seems to indicate (and perhaps rightly so) that the product was shown before it was ready to have something to counter Sony's June show, which in itself is funny because it is further evidence that they're full of it when they suggest Sony is no longer their competition (the price war between these two as well).

Again, a delay is a great idea, and makes it a passion project. Microsoft is finally learning that delays are sometimes necessary. Game Pass is probably a better sell if Halo Infinite is polished.

LM12131362d ago

all the things you mentioned doesn't equal talent. some devs have it, some don't.

cell9891362d ago

343 lacks talent and vision. It’s not the first time they drop the ball

medman1362d ago

Halo: Infinitely delayed.

bouzebbal1362d ago

Worst thing is, xbox and 343 were convinced graphics are world class.. Just see how much they praised the graphics during that reveal.. Was really used as a showcase to the console's power.. It's also the only game that got that much focus on the graphics during that show, apart from the ridiculous useless 120fps for Ori

Phantom681361d ago

lol because they suck when it comes to first-party titles.

SpineSaw1361d ago

"i dont understand why they didnt prepare a visually acceptable game"

@Sonic I agree %100 with your comment but I'll add to it this. To me I think it's pretty clear why Halo has a problem .. Open world and 120fps. 12Tflops can't get to acceptable in that environment. What's sad is if the Craig reveal never happened and if Microsoft could get away with never showing Craig before release day Microsoft would have released the Halo\Craig game we seen 2wks ago as it is.. Like it or not or accept it or not Xbox has a leadership problem and it's been a screaming problem for years. I own a Xbox One S but PS4 is my gaming console where I spend %99 of my gaming time so I can't speak for every Xbox game but I can go back some 5yrs and talk about Halo MCC, Sea of Thieves, Crackdown3, State of Decay 2 to name a few but these are some huge Xbox titles and all released with some troubles. Some had lack of content, some buggy, some unfinished and some a combo of all and some not working at all like Halo MCC that took years to fix. While other platforms Nintendo and Sony are releasing Game of the Year type games yearly and games on those platforms that are not GOTY type games they are still big hitting bangers while Xbox just can't seem to find any magic at all and to be fair it's not that their not trying cause they are.
They now have more than enough Studios and talent so that's not the problem. IMO The problem is leadership at the top of Xbox gaming. Phil Spencer may be a great guy and everyone likes him but the dude IMO is at the center of all Xbox problems. He may know how to make Microsoft $$$ but he clearly knows nothing about making good games. Just my opinion I don't care if anyone agrees because I game on the best platform no matter the corporation name that makes the consoles I game on.
Microsoft needs changes in the gaming division. Good Lord that Craig reveal looked like a OG Xbox game in its first year and that was almost 20yrs ago. I don't see in what world, any world where someone sees that video and says "after seeing the Sony reveals, I feel good about what we got"!

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1361d ago
Ristul1362d ago

A delay was needed, lets face it, the game needs a lot of work. I just dont know if a few months will do the trick when they have had five years to work on it only to end up with what we saw at their show.

morganfell1362d ago (Edited 1362d ago )

Server error when posting.

1362d ago
morganfell1362d ago (Edited 1362d ago )

Blaming it on COVID is simple dishonesty. They should have been forthright and stated, "After listening to fan feedback we realized the game wasn't what fans demanded and so we are going to delay the game rather than launch HALO in a state that is less than our gamers deserve."

To blame it on development challenges related to COVID after saying it was polished is pure BS. Polishing a demo isn't the same as doing so for an entire game but this title was in mid beta. There is nothing developmentally related to a game that was easily in the beta window that suddenly came to light after the reveal except fan disappointment.

The other issue at hand here is this gross mismanagement has in all likelihood cost MS any decent shot at next generation. I personally didn't think their chocolate routine was going to work with gamers but this is disastrous. It is time for Nadella to step in and find a new head of Xbox.

RosweeSon1362d ago

Yeah Covids been what 4-5 months what about the other 48-55 months (4/5 years) 😑🤷🏻‍♂️ 😂 soon tho ey 🤞🏻😜

rainslacker1362d ago

At the end there, you assume that the current head of Xbox isn't doing exactly what Nadella wants him to do, which is make Xbox into a service. Do you fire the guy whose doing the job you hired him to do?

morganfell1362d ago (Edited 1362d ago )

"At the end there, you assume that the current head of Xbox isn't doing exactly what Nadella wants him to do, which is make Xbox into a service."

No. You assume that I do not think Phil is doing what Nadella wants.

I like a great deal of your posts but you are wrong on this account.

The issue is that he is doing it poorly. I do not think Phil is going against the will of MS. He is just executing the playbook poorly. Hence the chocolate remark, which is like Gallagher throwing everything against the wall in attempt to find something that sticks. The service angle requires gamers and Phil's mismanagement is bleeding away the very thing that a service bound entity requires. Personally I am happy and hope that he stays.

morganfell1362d ago

Basically Nadella is Dr. Evil and all of his plans to rule the World are going into the crapper because he has incompetent henchmen like Phil who is basically Number 2 in Austin Powers.

rainslacker1362d ago (Edited 1362d ago )

Fair enough. I was being a bit quippy with my post, and didn't mean to imply you were ignorant.

However, I question if what he's doing for where Nadella wants to take MS is him actually doing that poorly. For areas outside the console itself, I think he's actually doing some of the right moves. However, the things that will lead to larger gaming markets outside consoles and PC gamers, the so called hardcore, tend to be with games that we generally don't discuss or even pay attention to.

But, as of now, the console market, and the PC market are important to this long term goal, and I can concede that he is doing that poorly, which is what some people have been saying all gen.

morganfell1362d ago (Edited 1362d ago )

I think MS is pushing GaaS harder than anyone and has the potential to do the most damage to gaming as we know it. They do not have the catalog right now, but move over Ubi and the rest because its their entire plan.

GaaS requires bodies and that is the central area Phil has failed in supporting the MS domination vision. And to get those willing contributors you need flashy billboards that actually materialize at some point. The Xbox has burned through crazy amounts of cash that have done nothing to benefit the gamer (they could care less) but it also hasn't lured people into the fold (and that is their only concern). Initially you have to deliver something to get those warm...or cold bodies that promises garnered. None of their work is of any worth without subscribers on the hook. Things like Scalebound are massive failures that vaporized enormous bundles of capital and have nothing to show for it. The number of people that may have purchased a console in anticipation for a game like that are extremely small so not even that benefit applies.

The idea with GaaS is draw bodies, keep them on the hook constantly, grow your base while doing the least amount of work for the largest amount of money. But the goal is constant cash flow from gamers so some work has to be done. The Xbox numbers do not lie. They are abysmal at best. This is where Phil is not executing Nadella's plan. They need bodies willing to follow them and get on the hook for monthly fees.

Their latest trick is xCloud. I consider services like this, whether it is Sony, MS, or anyone to be smoke and mirror deceptions. It is laughable how hyped people become over some new way to play a game that if you really like you probably own and will run it 99% of the time directly from your platform. Particularly in COVID times, are people really away from home so much and so bored while they are away it is do or die without being able to remotely stream your games? It is a minor convenience that is being blown into a full sized gimmick.

As far as not needing new hardware...this has been done already. Onlive down through PSNow. It is laughable to watch the same people that attacked PSNow talk about xCLoud like it is a revolution. It isn't. Its better because...Microsoft. That Microsoft chalkboard really isn't a joke and it is no longer possible to respect earnestly anyone astroturfing on Redmond's behalf. These fans should be demanding MS deliver first then belief comes later. Until they do that I cannot seriously entertain or regard the ideas of anyone following them with such blind allegiance.

rdgneoz31361d ago

Covid has affected development for say 5 or so months. Work started about 5 years ago with a demo trailer released in 2018. They've had plenty of time.

To give a comparison, Ghost of Tsushima work started around the same time, as Infamous First Light came out in August 2014. Yet that released last month and looked miles better than what was shown of Infinite (even on trailers and such in the spring).

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1361d ago
Lore1362d ago (Edited 1362d ago )

I think the point is that this isn’t Cyberpunk 2077 or another Deep systems driven or heavy RNG based RPG, so those confused probably feel that way because this game shouldn’t have taken this long to make. Most people more than likely also made the assumption that this game should have been done well over a year ago but they held off on release to coincide with the Series X launch, which now seems like that wasn’t the case making things even more confusing.

caddytrek1362d ago

"Most people more than likely also made the assumption that this game should have been done well over a year ago but they held off on release to coincide with the Series X launch, which now seems like that wasn’t the case making things even more confusing."

I think that's over thinking things.

I think Microsoft and 343 looked at the history of their recently released games and figured if they slapped a Halo name on it they could get away with releasing another unfinished buggy mess they could say was GaaS and xbox fans would just eat it up with out any questions because it was called Halo.

Unfortunately for them people are getting wary of their BS and actually called them out. Because these days even the most loyal of xbox fans are starting to have trouble blindly defending them over and over.

Atticus_finch1362d ago

At this point it might be too late. I see another crackdown happening. But It doesn't matter, Xbox fans will "love" it though.

The Wood1362d ago

Yeah. . Its 'fun'. . . You know the drill

NeoGamer2321361d ago

They can take as long as they need to. The reality is that CyberPunk is going to be the real must-have game this Holiday season. Everything else is a distant 2nd and below.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1361d ago
SullysCigar1362d ago

Nobody can be surprised by this. It looked absolutely awful.

medman1362d ago

What are you talking about? Craig says it looks great! Craig couldn't be more pleased with the spotlight shining on him! Stop all this hate and give Craig a chance to shine....he's not hurting anybody.....yet.

crazyCoconuts1362d ago

Ol' Phil was even yukkin it up about Craig being the mascot. Real funny, Phil.

Atticus_finch1362d ago

The problem is that it wasn't just graphics that looked bad. 1 year is not enough to fix a game that has that many obvious problems.

F0XH0UND9221362d ago

Totally agree! People that said this game looked good were in denial or have really low standards. I'm glad they delayed it so the game can get the polish it deserves.

P.S. Love your username, especially now that I'm enjoying a cigar and a beer! Cheers!

zsquaresoff1362d ago

Can't wait for those obnoxious "halo infinite dealyed, but why that is good thing for Microsoft," bs articles

majiebeast1362d ago

That verge article was just good old ms ball licking embarrassing what passes as journalism these days.

medman1362d ago

LOL....xbox only gamers are in hiding....they really have no tent left to hide under. One disaster after another for that lot....when will they learn? Apparently, never. Broken promises, broken boxes, broken generations. Nothing changes.

1362d ago
TKCMuzzer1361d ago (Edited 1361d ago )

Its a bit concerning when you see how many games Sony have released in 5 years and how polished they are. Seems some serious miss management going on. The series x was already a hard sell thanks to MS lacklustre showing and mixed messaging, now it’s an even harder sell. They are pretty much saying, put down your money to play the games you can already play.
It’s not a long shot to say that MS have pretty much sucked all the excitement out of their next gen system.

caddytrek1362d ago (Edited 1362d ago )

They shouldn't have announced it so early.

And that was after Phil said he wasn't going to announce things too early anymore. I guess some people never learn. I wonder what else will turn out to be untrue when the console launches.

zeuanimals1362d ago (Edited 1362d ago )

Fable was announced with no gameplay. Let's hope that's not too far off.

morganfell1362d ago

I want to think there is sarcasm in that remark...

Elda1362d ago

More likely 3 to 4 years when released.

execution171362d ago

I think most of the stuff they announced at their last event was pretty early since they're probably at least 2-3 years away if they were in early development

morganfell1362d ago

I think Phil should get a raise. At this rate everything MS is doing that is to the detriment of gaming has little chance of success.

Atticus_finch1362d ago

I like that perspective a lot.
Thank you Phil Spenser.

Charal1361d ago

So Spencer is the true hero then 😄

nowitzki20041362d ago (Edited 1362d ago )

Its not that some people never learn.. Some people benefit from lying to their fanbase that is so gullible.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1361d ago
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The Best Multiplayer Xbox Game Pass Games to Play With Friends

Xbox Game Pass has some great single-player experiences, but nowadays, it's all about getting together with friends and family. Thankfully, there's a surprisingly extensive library of multiplayer titles on Game Pass to bring everyone together.

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Desperate Xbox players turn to Halo Forge for their Helldivers 2 fix

PS5-exclusive Helldivers 2 is so popular that Xbox players want a taste of democracy, and now Halo Forge will be the battleground for a Helldivers 2 remake.

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XiNatsuDragnel71d ago

That's wild but hey if forge satisfies than that's good

GamerRN70d ago

Also.... Desperate Xbox players? I mean Helldivers2 looks ok, but I wouldn't call it anything to get desperate over..

God of War and the other exclusive are more worth desperation. I don't think I'm gonna even try Helldivers2, in still trying to beat Forbidden West, and I still of Ghosts, Ragnarok and TLOU2 to play

Old McGroin70d ago

Helldivers 2 is a phenomenally good game. You should definitely check it out if you get the chance. Looks like the devs have the server capacity issue pretty much sewn up now so it's a good time to jump in.

WolfSeed70d ago

You clearly haven't tried it. It's pure crack.

MrNinosan70d ago

I thought exactly like you, until I tried Helldivers 2... and then I was hooked.
The only thing that will stop me from playing it going forward is Final Fantasy VII Rebirth next week.

1Victor70d ago

@gamer: “Also.... Desperate Xbox players? I mean Helldivers2 looks ok”

Lest be honest for a minute even Phil want it on Xbox and if it wasn’t desperation the forge player wouldn’t be trying to copy it 🤷🏿

Barlos70d ago

Nobody is desperate over a game. Its pure clickbait.

TwoPicklesGood70d ago

I enjoy Helldivers 2 but it isn’t phenomenal or anything, its just a good game. Sure us ps5 players don’t have many multiplayer games so maybe that skews perspective. What we should be worrying about Is all the bugs and issues that STILL plague the game. It shouldn’t have been released in this state.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 70d ago
Hereandthere70d ago

Helldivers 2 graphically makes halo on series x look 2 gen behind.

Rdeal70d ago

Are you saying Helldivers 2 graphics are better than Halo's? if so you need glasses , graphics has to be the worst part of Helldivers 2, I have seen better on the PS4

Hypertension14070d ago (Edited 70d ago )


It's not the best looking game around
but the graphics definitely look better than halo infinite. The destruction on display while also maintaining a steady performance is also very impressive.

I've also seen better on PS4, but I say the same for almost every Xbox Series X game this generation.

69d ago
Kiryu199270d ago

Why desperate Xbox fans? Why are we so split as a gaming community? So gamers wanting to play awesome games are not labeled desperate?

DarXyde70d ago

I don't think it's really unusual.

LittleBigPlanet allowed for that.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 69d ago
Jin_Sakai71d ago (Edited 71d ago )

Just get a PS5 and be done with it. Four Xbox exclusives are making their way over with more to follow down the road.

343_Guilty_Spark70d ago (Edited 70d ago )

When is Halo Infinite coming?

Hellblade 2 coming?

Jin_Sakai70d ago

Soon enough.

Phil Spencer: “The biggest games will be more than just one platform“


VincentVanBro70d ago

Neither of those are worth an entire console so who cares?

DazaMc70d ago

Anytime now, who knows.

MrNinosan70d ago

Probably within a year, but don't worry. They will still be available on the box of your choice, except if Switch is your choice.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 70d ago
70d ago Replies(2)
babadivad70d ago

Or just play it on your PC...

InUrFoxHole70d ago

Why get either console? All are coming to pc anyway

Shane Kim70d ago

If it wasn't for the initial cost, then I would never get a console.

InUrFoxHole69d ago

Honestly pc is great but I love the convenience of a console

OptimusDK70d ago

You couldn’t help yourself right Jin

Jin_Sakai69d ago

I just couldn’t help but tell the reality of the situation.

goldwyncq70d ago

Or just get a PC because all Xbox and PS games are coming to it sooner or later. Nintendo's the only company practicing true exclusivity nowadays.

Tedakin70d ago

Sony's present said first party games will be on pc and other platforms too. So what? And before you say he just meant "pc and playstation" that was debunked. Day 1 pc is definitely coming from Sony, ending your precious exclusives.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 69d ago
Neonridr71d ago

I remember the good old days of Halo 3 and the Forge. Some wild game games came from it.

RaidenBlack71d ago

Just let Coalition develop or at least assist in developing the next Halo ... 343 alone is not enough

Jin_Sakai70d ago

They already assisted with development.

“Gears of War studio The Coalition helped out with Halo Infinite”


RaidenBlack70d ago

Then lead the next Halo development with 343 assisting instead ... as well as leverage some of the other new acquired studios if possible

neomahi69d ago

That would be smart, but makes too much sense. BUT, The Coalition is pretty much dead, without Rod Ferguson, there's nothing there. That was the point of that team was that he was heading it up but even Rod Ferguson turned down being the boss and head of his own studio making Microsoft money to go to Blizzard, and isn't it ironic, look where's he's at now. Cliff Blezinski offered to go back to work on Gears and Xbox (one of their biggest IPs) shut him down and told him no. Gears put Xbox on the map, and they told him no. Sony wouldn't tell David Jaffe no if he asked to return to God of War or Twisted Metal, Jaffe is just to lazy, but Xbox shut down Blezinski, completely shocked me.

So, you're right, kinda, but that blood isn't there anymore, the soul of that team is gone so I don't think you'd get the quality you think that you would

Jin_Sakai69d ago

“Then lead the next Halo development with 343 assisting instead ... as well as leverage some of the other new acquired studios if possible“

Certain Affinity would be good but who knows what’s happening there. And I’d suggest keeping CoD studios away from the franchise unless you want Halo of Duty.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 69d ago
PhillyDonJawn70d ago (Edited 70d ago )

Halo Infinite forge is a million times better. maps don't even look like forge made but look like actual dev created maps now

Neonridr70d ago

oh I bet, I just have fond memories of all the different things people came up with. I can only imagine what it's like now.

PhillyDonJawn70d ago

Hell yeah I remember the forge map toilet 😂 good times. Poo and paper everywhere

Blad3runner0071d ago

Don't get this mentality. Nothing is stopping these people from buying a PS5

I don't get fanboyism and refusing to purchase a competitors console.

purple10171d ago

I didn't used to get it, when is was Sega vs Nintendo, but now companies charging for online play, I dont wan to pay 2 separate subs, so you make a choice. also if you were to say invest in extra controllers for mates or whatever, I suppose it all adds up

anast70d ago

So, PS5 is the choice, right?

PhillyDonJawn70d ago (Edited 70d ago )

You're thinking too much into it. Forge creators make anything and everything. This is nothing new. Call of duty and other games have been made in halo forge as well. I was just playing Nuketown and hot potato 2 weeks ago lol (hot potato fun asf btw)

PaleMoonDeath70d ago

Not everyone can afford it mate, some have kids, families etc to support. Very close minded statement, adults don't necessarily care which machine, but money's tight nowadays, bring them Helldivers so we can get the damn Halo & Gears armour on PS5 lol

EvertonFC70d ago

I wanna see helgeist, scorpions, crimera, flying sting rays even some knack enemies etc

PaleMoonDeath70d ago


Charlieboy33370d ago

They hate Playstation to the point of insanity....yet want a Playstation game on Xbox so bad. These people don't even make sense in their OWN minds...

70d ago
EvertonFC69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

Agreed fella, same can be said for the playstation lot too though lol. We would all be over a gears collection, halo collection, Forza and ori

DivineHand12570d ago

I hope all the persons who agreed with you have an Xbox. Being a multi-console owner is the best thing for a gamer. When Palworld came out I could boot up the Xbox and play it there. I also just started playing Helldivers 2 yesterday and I am having a great time with it.

The gunplay is good so persons who are on the fence for this reason, don't be. The gunplay in this can go up against Halo, Destiny, The Division 2 etc. The gameplay loop is also good with a reasonable progression system. It doesn't have any RPG mechanics so don't expect to see numbers popping up when you shoot an enemy. Progression in this game allows you to unlock cosmetics, weapons and air drops from orbit to aid you on your mission.

70d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 69d ago
anast70d ago

HA! All the while Xbox games are popping up in PS stores. To be honest, on day exclusivity will probably be gone and each will just provide a streaming service bundle, but why not have fun while we can.

crazyCoconuts70d ago

And to get you to pick one streaming service over another they would have....

anast70d ago (Edited 70d ago )

You do know how to ask direct questions, right? This is a serious question.

They would have different app features, different UI's, timed exclusivity, and different video game series (live action and animation). Also the streaming services would be tied to mobile phones of choice (Sony vs MS; maybe even Nintendo will get in on this, phone thing.) which have their own reasons for purchasing.

Of course this is in the distant future. They don't call me the Oracle for no reason.

crazyCoconuts70d ago

Exclusives... The answer was exclusives.
But, you being the Oracle you already knew that, didn't you?

anast70d ago

"one day exclusivity will probably be gone"

Yes. I am the Oracle. When this happens you can say I am right.

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Grab these awesome Halo Infinite Silver Team helmets before they go

Celebrate season two of the TV series by earning the awesome and exclusive Halo Infinite Silver Team helmets before they’re gone for good on Xbox.

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Gaming4Life198193d ago

Nice just doing the weekly challenges will get these.

1UP-Words93d ago

Yeah it's certainly a relief that they're not too hard to earn because they look good! With Seasons now done, we're getting less free armor than usual so it's something