The Collider:
Already renewed for Season 2, the NBC drama series Grimm, inspired by the classic Grimm’s fairy tales, follows Portland homicide detective Nick Burkhardt (David Giuntoli), who discovers that he is descended from an elite line of criminal profilers known as “Grimms.” Charged with keeping balance between humanity and the mythological creatures of the world, he tries to hide the dangers of his new found calling from his girlfriend (Bitsie Tulloch) and his partner (Russell Hornsby), while getting help from Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell), a reformed Grimm creature known as a Blutbad.
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I'm glad this show is doing well because I really like it and I know it's got a lot more stories it can tell. Silas's part in it is one of the best roles in the show and he does a great job. I think he's the second best character on the show and I've really taken a liking to him.