The Collider:
The new Starz drama series Magic City, created by writer/executive producer Mitch Glazer and premiering on April 6th, takes place in 1959 at the luxurious Miramar Playa Hotel, during the tumultuous time when Havana fell to Castro’s rebels. Ike Evans (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) is the star of his Miami hotel, but to finance his dream, he sold his soul to mob boss Ben “The Butcher” Diamond (Danny Huston). Ike’s wife Vera (Olga Kurylenko), a former showgirl, and his three kids, which include sons Stevie (Steven Strait) and Danny (Christian Cooke), think he’s an honorable man, but nothing at the Miramar Playa is what it seems.
TNS: "The Joker's second outing can't be saved by musical charm, with Joker: Folie à Deux resulting in a boring bow to mediocrity."
Discover the best ways to watch Star Wars! From chronological to Machete order, we explain how to enjoy the full Star Wars saga, including TV shows and spin-offs.
J.C. Lee's Bad Genius looks like a teen comedy on the surface – and it has its comedic moments – but it's a powerful analysis of the school system and how money buys power and privilege.
JDM is great and I wish I could watch this show but since I can't I'll just have to wait for this movie he's making that sounds pretty good.