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Will Ferrell To Return For Anchorman 2

I’ve learned the sequel finally came together today. The comedy Anchorman 2 will be produced under mogul Judd Apatow’s banner with Will Ferrell’s and Adam MKay’s Gary Sanchez Productions. McKay will direct as well as write the script with Will Ferrell who will star again as Ron Burgundy along with the 2004 original’s castmembers Steve Carell and Paul Rudd and David Koechner.

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-MD-4577d ago (Edited 4577d ago )

Best news I've heard in months. Something I will pay to see, finally. The Conan reveal was pretty sweet too.

DarkBlood4577d ago

this is stuff i want to see, i'll definitly check it out

JL4577d ago

This is awesome news. Personally, I'm glad the all-musical idea never came to fruition as I think that would've sucked. But a proper sequel, I love it. The original is, in my opinion, the best Will Ferrell movie behind only Old School.

-MD-4577d ago

Step Brothers is definitely up there for Ferrell movies. It's one of my favorites.

Cat4577d ago

nuh uh ELF all the way :D

Crazay4577d ago

Boooooring - Can't stand Will Ferrell and his one dimensional "acting skills". I tried to watch the original movie and fell asleep almost immediately. I'll be taking a pass on this just like I do with every other Ferrell Movie.

dvfaa4577d ago

you sir, don't know what you're talking about

-MD-4577d ago

You might be the only person in the world that didn't like Achorman.

alycakes4577d ago

I'm afraid I must be the second one then....because I didn't care for it either. I guess anyone that has read any of my feedback on Will Ferrell know I don't like him anyway but I do watch some of his movies because despite my feeling....he can be funny sometimes. But I can do without another Anchorman.

Cat4577d ago

I liked Anchorman but I didn't looooove Anchorman. Still psyched.

Soldierone4577d ago

Well It wasn't "Great" in my eyes either lol, so I guess I will be added to the list.

The thing with me though is Will Farrel was actually good in the movie, I enjoyed his role. I just don't like some of the other actors in the movie so it kinda ruined it for me. And no it's not Steve Carrell that I'm talking about lol, I liked him in the movie more than Will farrell

Greyfoxdbz4577d ago

If you take a pass on all Will Ferrel's movies, how do you know his acting is one dimensional.

alycakes4577d ago

I didn't say I take a pass on all his movies. I said I don't like him but he can be funny at time and I do go see some of his movies depending on who else is in them and what the movie is all about.

Greyfoxdbz4577d ago

I was referring to Crazay, who seems to have the attitude of hating something because people like it. I actually agree with your post, Will Ferrel isn't always funny, but at least you have seen enough of him to qualify for a respectable judgement.

Crazay4577d ago

I've seen enough of him in a variety of movies to know he's a one dimensional actor. Hated him on Saturday Night Live, hated him in Jay and Silent Bob, Stranger than Fiction was complete trash, he annoyed the piss out of me in Old School, I'm subjected to Elf every Christmas on account of my wife, left the room and did something else for Blades of Glory and unfortunately for me, Talledaga Nights(which was the last movie of his I saw all the way through...and truthfully, the kids were way funnier) was my first Bluray movie when I bought a PS3.

So I'd say I've been subjected to enough if his garbage to know that I can't stand the man and think he tries too hard to be funny

Cat4577d ago

Crazay, if you don't like Elf then there's no hope for you! ;)

Crazay4577d ago

lol Cat.
You wouldn't be the only one to think so Cat trust me. =P

It's been forever since you've graced us with your presence. Hope all is well.

sikbeta4577d ago (Edited 4577d ago )

Movie is crazy in both ways, some parts were crazy funny, some parts were like wtf? XD

Fel084576d ago


Couldn't agree more.

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Lord_Sloth4577d ago (Edited 4577d ago )

Good to know I'm not the only 1 who hates this actor. The only exceptions in his work for me are Stranger than Fiction and his Celebrity Jeopardy bit on Saturday Night Live.

alycakes4577d ago

Well I have never been a fan of his. I have to agree with Crazay on a lot of what he says. I can't even begin to tell you how bad I thought Elf was. I did like the cop movie with Mark Walhberg...can't remember the name..Good Guys..I think. For the most part though he's not funny.

Lavalamp4577d ago (Edited 4577d ago )

I'm in a glass case of emotion!

Cat4577d ago

I'm so glad I missed most of the trailers (according to my husband, this line was ruined in them), because when I saw Anchorman in theaters this line brought me to tears!!!

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