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Vin Diesel Posts First Look at Creature in Riddick

CBM says

Which is scarier: the new creature for Riddick, or that Vin Diesel is still allowed to make movies?

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Soldierone4589d ago

That is awesome looking. Haters are going to hate, Vin disel will be awesome in this movie!

Crazay4589d ago

I'm looking forward to this movie. I think it's going to be pretty sweet.

Noctis Aftermath4588d ago

I liked the riddick movies, haters gonna hate any space sci-fi movie that doesnt have 150mil + budget and isn't some nerd worshipped franchise.

I say fuck em, bring on the new riddick movie.

JL4589d ago

Eh, I wanna see more of the creature. It's just a mouth and doesn't really give much away, other than I know I wouldn't want to get bit by that thing.

Crazay4589d ago

You're right about that JL but this is kinda exciting because it almost seems as though they're kinda getting back to some of the roots with this creature since we were first introduced to Riddick in a movie where he was fighting alien creatures.

Soldierone4588d ago

That is why i find it so great. Also the look of it, looks a lot like the style from the first movie too. I always wanted to "update" that first film, and this shot seems like they are doing just that.

alycakes4589d ago

I have to say that I will go see it because I'm a bit of a fan of Riddick but I would like to start seeing a little bit more and better view of exactly what and where the movie is being filmed.

Lord_Sloth4589d ago

So excited! I was worried that Chronicles wouldn't get a sequel. I can't wait for the 3rd entry in the Riddick saga!

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