Warning do not read this article if you have not seen all the episodes of The Walking Dead season 2 that have aired so far.
After the airing of Episode 12 of The Walking Dead, “Better Angels”, the Internet was suddenly ablaze with the question: “How do people turn into zombies on The Walking Dead? The answer to that question cuts the very core of the causes of the zombie apocalypse defined by George A. Romero and Night of the Living Dead and continued via countless zombie films as well as books such as 'World War Z', 'The Zombie Survival Guide' and 'The Walking Dead' graphic novels.
The ensemble cast of The Goldbergs brought the nostalgic family comedy to life with big laughs. If you're wondering where you've seen them before, here you go.
Missing You Review: This series has all the dynamics required to make it a good mystery drama: good actors, good story content, and good referencing from a best-selling author. However, it fails to do so due to poor narrative direction, which relies on an absence of direction, underdeveloped characters, and a characteristically poor representation of warmth on the parts.
Discover the hilarious debut of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew's first lightsaber in Episode 5, blending humor and adventure in an unforgettable scene.
That is the most informative article about zombies I've ever read about how they become zombies...now that I think about it....on the show they don't even show how it got started. Rick wakes up and it had already started.
But it all makes more sense to me now. Great article.
well now that the series showed us how zombies exist via airborne, zombie bite and natural death wonder how they'll handle things and how they'll figure out a solution or a cure on this
In the graphic novel the bite would only kill you from the massive infection it caused.
There were three cases in the GN that psychotic people would kill people just to keep them as zombies.
Everyone is already infected. Much like it was in George Romero's "Land of The Dead".
I'm ok with this explanation that everyone's infected, but you have to die, except for the fact that they are so adament about not being bitten. I understand that getting bitten causes an infection which causes death, but if there is no actual transfer of the virus then why is nobody trying to stop someone from dying after being bitten? At this point everyone assume the moment you're bitten, you're a goner. If the actual zombie virus or infection isn't being passed on in that bite, why not try to keep it from killing the person?
None of this reasonably explains why people on the highway didn't turn. Immunity to a widespread virus is typically a very low percentage of the population so that doesn't explain the hundreds of people dead in their cars on the highway. I like the idea of everyone being infected and re-animating. I'm doubting we will ever get an explanation for this discrepancy. That being said I'm just nit-picking it doesn't detract from the show at all, just wish their was a better explanation is all.