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MediaStinger Review: John Carter

MediaStinger: "Take sci-fi elements from Star Wars, the aliens from Avatar, and the style from Prince of Persia, mix them all together, and what do you get? Disney’s latest blockbuster, John Carter, which on the surface might seem like the world’s most expensive knockoff with a rumored $250 million budget, but is in fact a film adaptation based on a series of Edgar Rice Burroughs novels that date back to 1912 and helped influence legendary film creators George Lucas and James Cameron create the billion-dollar franchises we all know and love today."

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alycakes4594d ago

I really liked this movie. I went to see it today and thought the story was so different than any other I'd seen lately and it kept me completely entertained. Even when it had some slow moments it was okay because you knew it was leading to something different.

I know that if I had picked up the book and read it I would have loved the book.

Soldierone4594d ago

Really good to hear, we have been trying to see it all weekend but it got to the point of "lets just go during the week so we don't have to put up with people"

We went opening weekend for Act of Valor, UGH so

Soldierone4594d ago

I just finished reading Entertainment Weekly and they didn't like the movie at all. So i took it and showed my GF and said "look no one likes this movie, even EW" and we both go "then it must be good" haha

alycakes4594d ago

I don't listen to critics or entertainment shows. I just watch trailers and read about the what the story is about and then make a decision. Like I said there are a few slow areas but it's a very entertaining movie. It's got good action scenes and it's actually very funny in some parts and dramatic as well. You have to accept it for what it is and just enjoy it.

Soldierone4594d ago

Yep we are the same way. In reality, major places saying a film is bad normally triggers our interest. When everyone is praising a movie, we generally don't like it.

I mean the most recent example. We hated Chronicle and love Act of Valor, yet reviews were entirely lopsided in the opposing way. We don't purposly do it either. A lot of times we leave going "wow that was awesome" only to find out no reviews liked it haha

Blink_444594d ago

This really is a good movie, I just hope it does well enough at the box office so a sequel can be made.


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