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Interview With The People Vs George Lucas Director Alexandre Philippe | Matt's Movie Reviews

In the vestiges of movie fandom, none more a group has defined themselves as the ultimate worshippers of a cinematic product than the Star Wars fan, and none more a filmmaker has disappointed that fan base than Star Wars creator George Lucas.

Out now in Australia on Blu-ray/DVD is The People vs George Lucas, an insightful and funny look into the fans gripe with the Star Wars creator, exploring issues as vast as the introduction of Jar Jar Binks to Lucas’ constant tinkering with the films that made him the icon he is.

Writer/director Alexandre Philippe spoke to Matt’s Movie Reviews about the issue of control, the religiosity of the Star Wars fanbase and why Lucas should let go of his creation.

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StarWarsFan4672d ago

They should just include the original version and the most recent with each release.


MMR Podcast #32 - A Separation, Carnage, The People VS George Lucas

Reviews of A Separation and Carnage, interview with The People vs George Lucas director Alexandre Philippe plus Top 5 Australian Comedies.

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The People VS George Lucas Review | Matt's Movie Reviews

The People vs George Lucas is a surprisingly level headed exploration into the revolt of a fanatical fan base towards their messiah that is funny, insightful and just a tad silly.

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IGN - The People vs. George Lucas DVD Review

IGN - A long time ago, in a world not so far away, I had a friend and colleague who simply could not, would not admit that Star Wars Episode I was disappointing. He refused to even acknowledge how someone could not like the film. And if you ever brought it up to him, even to share a light debate, he would blow a gasket and retreat from wherever he was to scream and holler at the heavens in sheer anger at those with distaste for the first prequel.
