The film from Rodrigo Cortes premiered Friday night at the Eccles Theatre.
Following the premiere of Red Lights on Friday night at the Eccles Theatre, filmmaker Rodrigo Cortes was asked by a confused audience member during a Q&A to explain the ending to his supernatural thriller, and the query was met with applause from many in the 1,270-seat theater.
"Polite Society" has all the workings of a sleeper hit thanks to its blend of action, comedy, and injection of culture to make it stand out.
With the festival regaining full strength, an assortment of cinematic experiences await to captivate audiences. From Cat Person to Cassandro, here our are the ones we can't wait to take in.
'The Night House' evolves from a simple haunted house story to a chilling examination of grief, with plenty of spooky noises along the way.
I heard Buried was really good...the one with Ryan Reynolds. I couldn't imagine with him buried in the ground thru the whole movie but they said it was good...I need to see that movie some day.
If it is....this one may be as well.