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MovieLine - W.E. Review

MovieLine - Even though it’s something of a slick mess, Madonna’s W.E. is just the kind of movie you’d expect from an artist who once, with a delightful lack of irony, declared herself a material girl. A weirdly sympathetic portrait of Wallis Simpson, the woman for whom a king gave up his throne, W.E. is the story of a life told through stuff: Evening gloves, cocktail shakers, baubles from Cartier, little hats trimmed with netting. It’s as if Madonna went back in time and forgot to talk to actual people, to find out how they lived and what they thought — but she sure did a lot of shopping.

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Movie Review: We (2018) - The Critical Movie Critics

Out of boredom and away from adult supervision, eight teens experiment with all manner of new means to entertain themselves.

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BrownRanger1849d ago

Saw this movie the other day.. it's pretty much a porno. Lol


Netflix and Weinstein Sign an Exclusive Deal For Films Including 'The Artist'

Netflix and The Weinstein Company have signed a multi-year licensing agreement for the exclusive streaming rights to several films from Weinstein’s library. This agreement will include movies ranging from award contenders to foreign films and documentaries. The deal will allow Netflix the opportunity to stream Weinstein movies before they appear on premium cable.

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Coming Soon 'W. E.' Movie Review

Coming Soon:

For most of her life, New Yorker Wally Winthrop (Abbie Cornish) has been obsessed with the relationship between Wallis Simpson (Andrea Riseborough) and King Edward VIII, who had to abdicate his throne for the love of the American divorcee. As she oversees a Sotheby auction of some of their belongings, Wally's tumultuous marriage gets increasingly more abusive, so she decides to lose herself in their romantic story.

Madonna's second movie as a director is far more ambitious than the earlier "Filth and Wisdom," but it's also a stronger film that sadly suffers from the weight of its own ambitions.

If you saw Tom Hooper's "The King's Speech" you're likely to remember Wallis Simpson as the woman who essentially sabotaged the reign of Colin Firth's older brother. When the story is told from Wallis' perspective, as filtered through the writing of Madonna and Alek Keshishian, it's a grand love story about a man who would give up being King of England to be with the woman he loves. Almost sixty years later, a New York woman's lifelong obsession with Wallis and her relationship with Edward has reached a point where she's losing herself in fantasies about them in order to escape her abusive marriage.

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alycakes4789d ago

I know this is based a true story but it's just not my type of movie so I won't be seeing this movie anyway. According to this review it's not worth paying to go anyway but I hadn't planned on seeing it myself....maybe when it comes to tv.
