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'Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer' Promotes Bullying, George Giuliani Says

Santa Claus doesn't just drop off presents for kids -- he also encourages the soul-crushing of generation after generation of Christmas-reveling children. Or says one author, at least.

Appearing on Fox News, author and special ed professor George Giuliani asserted that St. Nick's behavior in the classic stop motion cartoon, "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" is tantamount to bullying, and sends a wrong message to children watching the family favorite.

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pomoluese4772d ago

Even if Fox is crazy, I re-watched this movie last year and everyone in this movie really was jerk to Rudolph.

DarkBlood4772d ago

but that only works if the children has a high enough Intelligent understanding by digging though the movie

in some cases i didnt see any bullying in this when i was a kid and i still dont see how it is when i watch it now

i mean sure i see some meanies or 2 but that was your typical every day life in school but i fail to see how Santa was an ass?

pomoluese4772d ago

Yeah kids might not notice. When was the last time you watched it because everyone was an ass in it. I wouldn't say Santa was an excessive ass but everyone ignored Rudolph, even the girl was just like oh you have troubles nope don't care I'm just going to start singing while you're talking.

DarkBlood4772d ago

a while but but i think i get what you mean with the last part you said

but i'll have to watch it again and look at it from an ass perspective lol if i can find it for cheap on blu-ray i remeber its run time is short so it doesnt warrant 30 dollars from me

theonlylolking4771d ago

Fox I think is just trolling everyone now.

sjaakiejj4771d ago

Wow the woman in that video was incredibly rude. It really annoys me.


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