IGN - Robot Chicken is a work of animated genius, and the show continues to bring home the laughs in this, the series' fifth season. Rarely does an episode fall flat. Sure, a sketch here or there might not work, but this series is loaded with great humor, clever gags and awesome cameo spots. And even when the show falters, it seems self-aware of the fact, often pointing out how something didn't work later on. It's brilliant.
Congratulations to Ahsoka on winning the Creative Arts Emmy for Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes! Discover more about the series' first Emmy victory.
How Star Wars: The Clone Wars went from being disliked to beloved through deep character development (Ahsoka, Anakin), epic storylines, and emotional growth.
Qui-Gon Jinn dies during an intense duel with Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace, suffering a fatal lightsaber wound. His death sets major events in motion.