BOM - My Week With Marilyn is a minimally thought-through Oscar nomination campaign for Michelle Williams' showy and impressive performance/impersonation of Marilyn Monroe, the core of a film that barely exists. Based on two memoirs by Colin Clark about the tortured production of the 1957 Laurence Olivier-directed comedy The Prince and the Showgirl, this might more accurately be titled My Week Of Seriously Thinking I Had A Reasonable Chance of Having Sex with Marilyn Monroe.
Movies Hate You Too writes:
Another big week for Blu-ray with several Academy Award nominated films, three 3D movies, and a slew of catalog titles are being released including one of the most controversial films of all time being released via Criterion.
definitely will purchase blueray of the adventures of tintin. i dont know why this movie got snubbed in the academy for best animated movie? it was clearly the best.
Jeff of We Got This Covered wrote, "Most people remember her as the blonde bombshell from Billy Wilder‘s comedic masterpiece Some Like It Hot, while others will always remember her standing over a grate with her skirt being blown upwards in The Seven Year Itch. Either way, it’s impossible to forget the gorgeous Marilyn Monroe and her beautiful voice. Then and now, she was seen as one of the most important icons of her generation, capturing the attention of everyone, including a young man who documented his experiences with her in his memoirs, which are the basis for this film, My Week with Marilyn."
Williams is nothing short of heartbreaking, showing us Marilyn Monroe at breaking point – a walking wreck reliant on flattery, pills and the comfort of strangers. Not only that, but she also does a decent imitation of her singing voice, in fine recreations of ‘Heat Wave’ and ‘That Old Black Magic’. Boop-oopa- doop indeed.