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Analoghype Review - “The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence”

Analoghype: "Imagine my surprise when I check my mail, and find a DVD to a screener for “The Human Centipede 2“… It’s playing in an extremely limited release now before it goes on demand this upcoming wednesday. Now, I’m not a fan of the first film, in fact, I think it’s a really REALLY boring movie. This however… It makes me really angry. And, I’ll tell you why?"

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Netflix Top Picks: Indie Horror Movie Edition

Just in time for Halloween, Netflix Top Picks is back with a set of indie horror movies that may, or may not have you sleeping with the lights on tonight (candy not included).

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aDDicteD3921d ago

human centipede 2 is an entertaining but gruesome time for those who have the stomach to watch it. the black and white effects help to neutralize how gory and disgusting the tortures in the film was. it is not as good as part 1 but its at least a worthy sequel.


The LRA Show Ep. 50 - The Cabin in the Woods

LRA writes: We still find ourselves playing catch up this week as we cover a variety of topics including the recently announced blu-ray for Jaws, the multiple blu-ray "edishuns" for a favorite here on the show The FP, two new documentaries, Comic-Con Episode 4: A Fan's Hope and Bully, the brand new animated television series The Legend of Korra and then I give my thoughts on the new indie film Jeff Who Lives at Home as well as my Netflix Instant Stream Movie of the Week. We then conclude with a very in depth look at one of the best horror films to come along in years with our discussion on The Cabin in the Woods. The show may be a little long this week but I think the content justifies the length. Featured music is from "The Cabin in the Woods" motion picture soundtrack.

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Chris Pandolfi's Top Ten Worst Films of 2011

Chris Pandolfi makes his picks for the absolute worst films of 2011. Did your least-favorite make his list of the worst the year had to offer?

alycakes4588d ago

Now this list is closer to being right except for Transformers Dark of the Moon. That was a good movie...didn't care for the new girl but other than that it was a good story and good action.