Exhibiting immense technique, incredibly moody, tense atmospheres and meticulously crafted aesthetics, the dark crime thriller, “Texas Killing Fields,” demonstrates that Ami Canaan Mann has inherited some serious skills from her famous filmmaking father Michael Mann.
A dark, intense and psychologically bruising picture, the technical chops evinced in Mann’s debut picture are impressive – from adept editing, first-rate choreography of shots (plus a few artful establishing ones) and perfectly gloomy cinematography, she’s got it all down cold. However, while she’s clearly got an eye for filmmaking, the rest of the film could use a little (or a lot of) work as there’s a litany of problems that eventually make for a deeply unsatisfying picture.
Nadine Crocker's Continue solidifies itself as one of the most important movies of 2024.
Tim Burton's Batman Returns draws mixed reactions from fans and critics alike, but it's the best Batman movie ever.
Video game movies seemed to be on the upswing until "Borderlands" happened. But "Borderlands" is far from the only video game movie to bomb at the box office.
This may not have gotten a good rating from them but I think this film is worth checing out anyway. I may wait for the dvd or VOD but I'm going to see it one way or another. Both actors or great in my book so I'm not going to miss out on that.