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Politics In The Cinema

The political film is set to invade the cinema, with many high profile movies exploring the corridors of power and delving into the minds of those behind the political machine.

Here is a rundown of the political films set to win your vote at the movies.

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The Iron Lady Blu-ray Review - WGTC

Jeff of We Got This Covered wrote, "While Meryl Streep’s performance is brilliant, the film unfortunately reduces the life of the amazing Margaret Thatcher to a montage of events that don’t tell us very much about her."

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J. Edgar Blu-Ray Review (TMP)

From TMP:

We here at TheMoviePool got a chance to get a look at the blu-ray release of Clint Eastwood's [I]J. Edgar[/I] and are here to tell you whether or not it's worth placing on your shelf as a permanent part of your movie collection.

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alycakes4526d ago

I haven't seen this yet..I need to but I'm so far behind on everything lately..I've got to step up my pace.

aDDicteD4524d ago

this film is quite long. its a good movie but not as entertaining as other clint eastwood films such as gran torino and million dollar baby.


J. Edgar Blu-ray Review - WGTC

Matt of We Got This Covered wrote, "This is one of the biggest disappointments of 2011. Director Clint Eastwood and writer Dustin Lance Black make so many wrong decisions that at times, it's downright frustrating to watch. There is so much potential here but it's all wasted."

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alycakes4537d ago

I know that this movie didn't do that well at the boxoffice but I am a DeCaprio fan and I also like history so I'm adding this film to my collection. I didn't get a chance to see it and I see that it's getting low rating but that doesnt' matter.

I want to see this story anyway. I saw the 2 hour documentary on the History channel just last month on J.Edgar Hoover and I'd like to compare and see how much they took from that. It will be interesting to find out.

aDDicteD4528d ago

haven't watched this one yet but still maybe i'll rent it even if the reviews were quite low