Horror.com says
Oh, those young whelps with their twist dancing and long hair… er, fur. What to do? Just shake your head, sigh, and accept that kids will be werewolves and go with it. If you let yourself have fun with The Howling Reborn — kissy-face Twilight-inspired musical montage moments and all — you shouldn't have too bad a time with this flick (which is clearly made for the demographic born after the last direct-to-video sequel to The Howling, 16-odd years ago).
Any South Park fans wanting to watch a Kyle-centric episode should check out the ones on this list.
Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining is regarded as one of the best horror films of all time, but don’t tell that to Stephen King.
The Walking Dead producer Scott M. Gimple expresses his excitement about taking spinoffs to more locations worldwide.