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Sony Fires Back at NATO Over 3D Glasses

The Hollywood Reporter says:

Sony Pictures Entertainment has called on theater owners to engage in "collegial dialogue" over the hot-button issue of who should pay for 3D glasses.

Sony issued its statement only hours after coming under attack by exhibitors for its decision to no longer pay for 3D glasses, effective May 1, 2012.

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StarWarsFan4774d ago

I think 3D is overused in general. It should be used only for special event films like The Lion King and big-budget action movies, but not every single animated movie that seems to come out.


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How The Spiderman Deal Will Affect The Future of The MCU

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Spider-Man cancellation is Disney's fault, not Sony's

Marvel/Disney have failed to extend their Spider-Man licensing deal after negotiation with Sony went south. Tom Holland won't be returning as Spidey in MCU.

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BrownRanger1891d ago

it's Sony's IP. Disney had no right to demand. They messed this up.

Ace3261891d ago

It isn't Sony's IP. Sony has the film license for Spider-Man. Marvel still owns Spider-Man so if anything Sony is holding Spider-Man film license hostage.

Prince-Ali1891d ago

Nah that's LITERALLY not how it works or business in general ... lool Disney fucked this one up!

Allsystemgamer1891d ago

Sony owns the film RIGHTS to Spider-Man. There’s no hostage taking. Marvel sold it to them. They own it.

bradfh1891d ago

Sony saved spider-man if Disney was going to make him gay.

zodiac9091890d ago

@Ace326 Were you born yesterday? Sony has held the rights for this film IP for more than 15 years now..

killswitch801890d ago

Why are people down voting Ace326 they are the only person that said it correctly . They have timed license agreement and if they do not make Spider-man in a set amount of years they lose the license. This is what happened back in the 90s a studio rushed to make a Fantastic Four film so they would not lose the license.

Chevalier1890d ago

" Why are people down voting Ace326 they are the only person that said it correctly . They have timed license agreement and if they do not make Spider-man in a set amount of years they lose the license. This is what happened back in the 90s a studio rushed to make a Fantastic Four film so they would not lose the license."

All Sony has to do is prove they have a movie in development and they retain their license indefinitely though. With Spiderverse 2 already in development, Venom 2 and all the other Spiderman characters like Black Cat, Silver Sable movies in development already there's ZERO chance Sony will lose Spiderman.

Disney has no power in these negotiations. Same with why there are no solo Hulk movies because Universal has those rights. Disney wants more to go from taking 5% to 50% when Sony's movies make the same worldwide compared to Disneys Spiderman movies why would Sony agree to that?! Amazing Spiderman made almost as much as Homecoming did worldwide so there's no reason to believe they can't again.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1890d ago
SodoBot1891d ago

Anyone knows when Sony lose the license?

2pacalypsenow1891d ago

They would have to not make a Spider Man movie for like 5 years I believe.

TricksterArrow1891d ago

Does this count animated movies? Because I think they can go on forever with those. There's absolutely endless possibilities.

Ace3261891d ago

Essentially never. The rerelease of Far From Home will start the 5 year cycle over. Venom 2 is in development and I believe that also counts towards the license.

Chevalier1890d ago

They also have Silver Sable/Black Cat and Spiderverse 2 already in development too.

kevinsheeks1890d ago

unfortunately as long as they make one even if trash they have it forever essentially :(

1891d ago Replies(1)
Deadpoolio1891d ago

Yeah because clearly Sony are intelligent and not going to deal with Disney's crap....Sony 100% financed the Spider-man films, and gave Disney 5% of the box office....Disney also got 100% of the films merchandising rights and 100% of the money that the merchandise makes.....

There is no universe where Disney deserves 50% of the profits, when they put in ZERO dollars, let Sony finance it all yet give them nothing for the merchandise and, nothing for the MCU films that Spider-man has appeared in....Greedy Disney looking to be greedy again....

Just like how they change things in Star Wars to avoid paying Lucas royalties, and refuse to make a solo Hulk film because Universal has to be atleast asked IF they want to distribute it.....Gotta love Disney can't make all the money for something so they would rather make nothing....

MIDNIITE_Z3RO1890d ago

Disney's other properties make so much money, that's why they can afford to try and make moves like this, come out with nothing, and still be ok. Kinda sucks, but I already know where Sony is gonna go with this. Gonna do a Venom-Spidey film for sure now. I'd be surprised if that doesn't go down.

1890d ago
SuggestionBoy1891d ago

Well.. at least we are getting another Matrix movie with Keanu: )

Retroman1891d ago

Yeah, but without Morpheus (Laurence Fishburn) Neo can't hold the complete movie alone without Morpheus.

KingPin1890d ago (Edited 1890d ago )

actually, morpheus isn't needed as much now all things considered.
Neo believes he is the one. Morpheus character arc of finding, training and making him believe he is the one to make peace between man and machine is complete.

would be nice to have him in the movie though but its not a make or break thing.

Edit: i would rather be hoping that Hugo Weaving makes a return.

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