Jeremy of The Daily Rotation wrote, "Every once and awhile a film like Drive comes around. It pays tribute to films of the past while still proving itself as its own entry into the genre. It’s a fine line to walk and most films fall on one side or the other, but Drive stays right in the middle. Its precision that works for Drive and director Nicolas Winding Refn is going to be making a name for himself, at least amongst general audiences with this one. From the opening credits, Drive is just oozing with style and class. Ryan Gosling gives what is probably going to be considered his best performance to date and Carey Mulligan and Bryan Cranston insert their own qualities to help round the impressive supporting cast. Yes, I am also talking about the hit or miss Ron Perlman, who doesn’t steal the show, but still gives off some sign of life in a career that’s otherwise full of laughable roles. Drive is easily one of the best films of the year and depending on how the rest of the year stacks up it could very well be my favorite."
An analytical mind can, and will, find patterns behind everything, whether they are there or not. It is one of the many reasons why films and other forms of fiction are so often dissected and recast to reveal hidden meanings and deeper truths, by those who would think a little too much, a little too hard.
With the popularity of The Wolf Among Us soaring, Marcus Mac Dhonnagáin looks at some movies that share its noirish themes
There are a lot of important parts of film-making, and the part I find to be the most overlooked is actually one of the most important parts of a film, the soundtrack, a good and bad selection of music can make or break a vital scene in a film. (Note: I chose to include both score and soundtrack when making this list)
I want to see it badly!