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James Brolin To Star In Spike Lee's 'OldBoy' Redo For Mandate

Deadline Reports:
Josh Brolin was rumored to be on the short list to star in Spike Lee’s Oldboy, a remake of the cult 2003 Korean revenge thriller from Park Chan-wook. Now it’s official: Brolin will topline the Mandate Pictures redo, which begins production in March. Brolin, who just wrapped Men in Black 3 with Will Smith, next begins work on Warner Bros’ Gangster Squad. It looks like he’ll squeeze in Oldboy before shooting Jason Reitman’s Labor Day opposite Kate Winslet; that movie is set to begin production in June.

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-MD-4945d ago

Megaton's going to flip his shit when he hears this.

Megaton4945d ago

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

outwar60104944d ago

lol all these remakes are pissing me off too

zerocrossing4943d ago

Next they'll remake The Chaser and Lady Vengeance... FFS! Is nothing sacred?

Sahil4945d ago

It is shocking that they are remaking the oldboy film cuz the orignal is easy one of the 10 tem movies of all time. Hollywood is jus gonna butcher it and make it cheesey as fuck. the only reason to remake a film is to make it better but this remake is never ever ever ever going to b even 1/8 as good so why bother?

-MD-4945d ago


That's all they care about.

zeddy4944d ago

everyone by now knows the twist at the end of the original, its going to be a bit anti-climactic to say the least, unless of course they write a totally new script for this one.

alycakes4944d ago

I guess I'd better see the original...I've never seen it and don't have a clue what you'll are talking about and now I'm curious.

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