Twitch Film says:
Does the world want a younger, prettier Robocop? Apparently MGM does as Twitch has learned that the Star Trek actor is the studio's top choice to take the lead in the upcoming reboot of the scifi franchise. There is no word as to whether director Jose Padilha agrees with the selection and the offer has not yet gone out but we're told Pine currently tops the MGM casting list.
Hot take: You can love both. Yep, it’s not illegal. No need to pick sides, people—your heart’s big enough!
Show fangs for what the Twilight cast has been up to after Breaking Dawn.
The McCallisters in Home Alone might be the worst parents of all time.
Chris Pine is a decent choice for this role I think. He's young and can portray an attitude that kinda goes along with the arrogance and cockiness of the original Murphy.
I liked Robo Cop and Pine as good as any. At his age he's just right for the part in case they want a sequel, which you know if they make money they will.
As long as Robocop himself doesn't look like something out of West Coast Customs (which I fear Hollywood would do), he should be alright.