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Van Damme's New Action Film 'Assassination Games' Official Trailer

"If I overreacted, you'd be dead." Yes! How about some Jean-Claude Van Damme to spice up your long weekend. I recently stumbled across this official trailer for an upcoming JCVD flick called Assassination Games that co-stars Scott Adkins (seen in Bourne Ultimatum, Wolverine, The Tournament). While this may look a little direct-to-DVD, apparently it is getting a limited theatrical release in the US this month. It's Van Damme's first theatrical action movie in the US in over a decade (besides Universal Soldier) and his latest theatrical film since JCVD. There's lots of action and big fights, and loud music, so have fun with this!

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darklordzor4769d ago

Hmmm...I'm not sure. I love JCVD and his action flicks, but this looks like another bad decision. I was hoping that he'd be able to get back on top with the action movies, but he hasn't really been able to capitalize on anything. He definitely needs to jump on Expendables 2 in order to breath some new life into his career.

alycakes4769d ago

He is going to be on the second Expendables....isn't he? Maybe that will be good for him. He wasn't always the best actor anyway. He was good at this martial arts thing but just never got his acting down.

darklordzor4769d ago

There've been rumors and semi-confirmations from people around him, but there hasn't been anything official on his involvement in the second movie. I think it's more than likely going to happen, but until it's confirmed I hate counting it.