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Changing A Film (Hopefully) For The Better

Sometimes, when novels and comics are adapted into movies, filmmakers take liberties with one aspect or another of the production, in an effort to create something that doesn’t alienate fans or casual viewers. Sometimes these changes are necessary for numerous reasons, such as: a particular novel may be too long, and scenes may require cutting if it’s to fit the running time allocated; or characters as written don’t work in the film’s context.

When that happens they may be removed all together, or perhaps re-written as composites of various other characters that didn’t exist in the original source material.

This approach is also used with comic-based films, with varying degrees of success. For example, anyone that has read the X-Men comics noticed immediately that the costumes vaguely, if at all, resembled those from the comics. This was probably done because the filmmakers believed that the costumes worked for that particular milieu, but wouldn’t translate outside of it.

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Soldierone4770d ago

In defense of Transformers, in the 3rd one Optimus transformed a few times where something went down over his mouth, thus making him look like the toys.

I think Hollywood is starting to learn, but still has that "stuck up we are better than you" attitude and thats whats ruining a lot of franchises. Its like the evil guy "Oh we will make your comic amazing trust us, just sign here" they sign and "well goodbye, we didn't actually bother reading the comic but you signed rights away...later"

JL4770d ago

I think a lot of times part of the problem is also that they may not be a fan of the comic, but they know of it and like the general concept and have their own idea of the type of story they'd tell using that general concept, so they buy the rights just so they can cash in on the name, then ultimately tell their own story which only superficially resembles said comic.


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