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13 Assassins Review || Guerrilla Geek

Guerrilla Geek's Joey reviews Takashi Miike’s "13 Assassins" and compares it with not only his previous works, but also the likes of Kurosawa's classic "The Seven Samurai." Does Miike's trademark gore and ultra-violence distract from the movie or does he rise beyond his horror roots? Ironically, the answer is yes on both counts.

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Five Movie Worlds that Would Make for Great Video Games

Ray Porreca of Entertainment Buddha writes: "Video games and movies have a long – and traditionally rocky – history together. Games have always popped up after the release of a hit film, hoping to capture the box office rush and generate more sales numbers. Sadly, all too often, movie related video games end up disappointing fans. Instead of building upon the great and engrossing worlds seen in feature films, video games based off of movies tend to simply rehash what the viewer has already seen on the silver screen, creating for what generally feels like hollow entertainment."

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MMR Podcast #19 - 13 Assassins, Submarine & The Eye of the Storm

Reviews of 13 Assassins and Submarine, interview with The Eye of the Storm actor Geoffrey Rush and my Top 5 Fight Movies.

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13 Assassins Review | Matt's Movie Reviews

The once dormant samurai movie is rejuvenated in 13 Assassins, a spirited and violent romp which delves into the honour and savagery of samurai ideology.

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