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Universal Officially Announces Jurassic Park on Blu-Ray, Provides Details

From TMP:

After a lot of rumors, speculation, and 'soft' confirmations Universal has finally issued a press release detailing the full specifics of the Jurassic Park blu-ray box set...and it's more than 2 hours of new bonus features.

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Whitepony234778d ago

Nice!!! the 1st ones still the best. It's hard to recreate that feel.

no_more_heroes4777d ago

The first one made almost a billion dollars. None of the other ones even came close.

Sahil4778d ago

Awesome.. i almost forgot about JP/Blu-ry.. sounds gewd :)

JL4778d ago

Definitely another I wouldn't mind picking up at some point. Still need to get a few other franchise box sets on Blu-ray, though (eg. LotR Trilogy).

darklordzor4777d ago

Oh man don't get me started. I'm going to be so poor this year from all these great blu-ray sets. We've got Lord of the Rings, Superman, Star Wars, and now Jurassic Park. My wife is going to kill me :)

alycakes4778d ago

I haven't seen these in forever it seems so I could sit and watch them again one day.

CobraKai4777d ago

About time. Can't wait to hear that T-rex roar in DTS HD.

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