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Thinkcast 26th June 2011 - Rise of The Planet Etc

SYDHIT writes:
Even with such a long title, this episode is one of our shortest in a while. Don’t you worry though, there’s plenty of geek talk to go around.

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Examining Hollywood Remakes: Rise of the Planet of the Apes

From Cinelinx:

With Hollywood so remake crazy in modern times, Cinelinx takes a look at what makes a good remake and what makes a bad one, by examining examples of cinematic revamps. In the first of several articles, Cinelinx looks at a good remake: Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

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darklordzor3182d ago

Still one of my favorite remakes ever done. Such a wonderfully retelling of the Apes lore, that ties in nicely to the films fans know and love.

Aldous_Snow3182d ago

The remakes were fantastic. Never a fan of the older ones but the new ones were great..


See the Secret Ending to Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes in Concept Art by Brian Cunningham

FilmSketchr: Think you know the end of Rise of the Planet of the Apes? Think again. It turns out there was supposed to be a big reveal at the end that was cut out. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is a blockbuster success and carried the tradition of the first movie Rise of the Planet of the Apes. It has many nods to the original films like when Dodge Landon (Tom Felton) yells out "Take your stinking paws off me, you d**n dirty ape!" and says, "It's a madhouse! A madhouse!" But it turns out there was another reference that was cut from the film. I was looking at Brian Cunningham's sweet portfolio and noticed some curious images. So, I emailed him and he sent me this description of the original ending scene that was cut.

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Dawn and Rise of the Planet of the Apes: The Art of the Films Book Review | Entertainment Buddha

To supplement the release of the theatrical films, Titan Books has created a beautifully detailed art book for both of the rebooted Apes movies called Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Dawn of Planet of the Apes: The Art of the Films. This 11 15/16” x 10 6/8” hardback behemoth features high-quality glossy paper sporting production notes and art assets from both Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. It also features an enlightening forward by the director of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Matt Reeves, who gives his background and why he was so thrilled to take on the challenge of shooting the sequel.

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HAMM3RofBUDDHA3663d ago

If you collect art books this one is definitely worth adding to your collection.