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The Daily Rotation: Cedar Rapids Blu-ray Review

Anthony of The Daily Rotation wrote, "Cedar Rapids stars Ed Helms who plays Tim Lippe. Tim is a very average yet boring person who sells insurance for an insurance company in a small town. He really isn’t going anywhere in his life and he is happy doing what he does. He gets picked to represent his company at an insurance conference in Cedar Rapids. Lippe is very nervous about going to Cedar Rapids because his boss is making such a big deal out of an award that is being presented at the conference. His company has won it for the last 3 years running, and he is counting on Lippe to make it year number four. His boss, who is played by Stephen Root, pretty much has only one instruction for Lippe. That one instruction is to stay clear of Dean Ziegler, who is played by John C. Reilly. Lippe is suppose to be rooming with Ronald Wilkes throughout the entire conference. However, the hotel overbooked their rooms so Wilkes decided to take on another roommate. Who might that be? You guessed it, Ziegler. You watch as Ziegler tries to become friends with Lippe even though Lippe tries to keep his distance. If you have seen the trailer, you can obviously see that it’s easier said than done. Once all this starts to roll, a lot of crazy stuff starts happening. It is quite the interesting ride that each of these characters take."

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Ahsoka: Celebrating Five Emmy Nominations!

Join us in celebrating Disney Plus series "Ahsoka" as it garners five Emmy nominations! Discover the categories and what makes this show a standout in the world of fantasy and sci-fi.

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Arthur the King review - ChristCenteredGamer

CCG writes - "Arthur the King is based off of the true story of a pro adventure racer named Michael Light. Pro adventure racers traverse over four hundred miles on dangerous terrain in a ten-day time-span. For context, an Ironman competition is 140 miles. "

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Top 12 Best Video Game Movie and TV Adaptations of All Time, Ranked

TNS: "Despite years of mindless cash-ins and unimaginative copy-paste borefests, video game adaptations have finally turned a corner! Here are the best of the best."

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