Indie film studio Companion Pictures has released the Teaser Trailer of it’s upcoming title. Based on Tom Clancy’s video game franchise, the movie will be titled Splinter Cell: Extinction
Doug Liman has revealed that his forthcoming Splinter Cell movie will deal with a younger Sam Fisher, and stated that he’s looking forward to bringing a stripped down version of the character to the big screen.
With the announcement of video game movies such as The Last of Us and BioShock, Stephen from Leviathyn looks at some video game movies that never came to be.
Oscar Nominated Screenwriter, Sheldon Turner, has been tasked to pen the adaptation of Splinter Cell: he replaces another Oscar nominated writer Eric Singer (American Hustle).
My hopes for this film is very high, with the high profile people being added
Still unsure about Tom Hardy as Sam Fisher though
These guys should be hired to direct and film a cinema movie. It looks stunning IMO =)
Got my I want to see more.
Looks pretty good. It should be rather easy to do so considering its all dark and what not.
However these fan films in general are getting better. the only thing that sucks is they are generally like 10 minutes long, having a full fledged hour long movie might be hard for them.
I love fan films! Sometimes they can just be so amazing. This is pretty good. Looking forward to more from these guys.