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Teaser Poster for 'Straw Dogs'

Director Rod Lurie has released a teaser poster for his upcoming thriller Straw Dogs.

Straw Dogs is a remake of the 1971 Sam Peckinpah movie by the same name. The film tells the story of Los Angeles Los Angeles screenwriter David Sumner (James Marsden) who relocates with his wife (Kate Bosworth) to her hometown in the deep South. There, while tensions build between them, a brewing conflict with locals becomes a threat to them both.

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alycakes4790d ago

Poster is very fitting to the movie plot.

JL4790d ago

Yea, the poster looks pretty cool. Even if it is a rehash of the poster from the original. I'll have to check this one out to see how it turns out. The original was a real good movie. And, of course, James Marsden is no Dustin Hoffman.

reznik_zerosum4789d ago

bastard will ruin this movie 100%

alycakes4789d ago

Well, this is a different role for him but from the trailer he looked very convincing so lets see how the whole movie does.

neoragex4786d ago

nice.. finally a kate bsoworth movie to lok forward to


Straw Dogs DVD Review (FMV Magazine)

FMV says: "This remake is rather disappointing, with none of the gnawing tension or subtle character development that made Peckinpah’s Straw Dogs so memorable. What good moments are to be found here are lifted almost shot-for-shot from the 1971 version."

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aDDicteD4516d ago

i saw the original, it was slightly better than this new one but i think the remake can stand on its own as a thriller.


Player Affinity | Straw Dogs Review

Player Affinity writes: The 1972 version of Straw Dogs is the kind of movie that's admirable, but tough to enjoy. It's just not a fun movie experience, and its 2011 remake — directed by Rod Lurie — isn't much more fun. Lurie's version is actually a good film; it's well-shot, well-acted, and very suspenseful. But I never want to see it again—ever. It's disturbingly violent, and very bleak from beginning to end. But the message of the film is as powerful as it was back in 1972: Violence is bad, but if you push a man too far, he'll do what he must to defend himself.

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Straw Dogs (2011) - Popzara Review

Just as visceral, disturbing, and unpleasant as the 1971 original, with subtexts that have been altered in such a way to make them far more compelling. Full review by Chris Pandolfi.