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Promo Art for The Dark Knight Rises and More

Comingsoon: As you can see below, newly showcased art includes The Dark Knight Rises, The Amazing Spider-Man, Men in Black III, Arthur Christmas, The Pirates! Band of Misfits, Hotel Transylvania (also referred to in the magazine as Hotel T), Hugo Cabret, Footloose, Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol, Star Trek 2 and G.I. Joe 2.

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-MD-4939d ago

Why are most of them just the logo of the film? Kinda boring.

darklordzor4938d ago

That's partly the point. This is just a Licensing Expo for studios to get the name out there so that vendors know what's coming up. All they need is the logo and brand out there. None of what they show here is actually marketing material, and it's likely these aren't even the official title treatments. This is only to let the vendors/investors know what's coming up and what they can plan on for licensing deals.

darklordzor4938d ago

Yeah it's kind of a bummer, but up until a year or so ago, this wasn't even an event that press covered. It's mostly just for the business side of things.

krazykombatant4938d ago

hmmmm idk if thats the new costume but it looks pretty flimsy, might as well go all spandex batman, cuz with those gaps in the suit you'll get stabbed and shot plenty in the movie.

Quagmire4938d ago

Its based on a previous toy, nothing to do with TDKR

alycakes4938d ago

That's what I thought too.


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