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Infernal Affairs vs. The Departed: Where The Original Is Really The Bad First Draft

In 2006 Martin Scorsese made one of the best cop and robber films of the 2000s, the only problem was it was a remake of a foreign film. This article is taking a look back at the original and how the remake built on it to make it one of the best remakes in the history of cinema.

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Nes_Daze4791d ago (Edited 4791d ago )

Ahh the departed, awesome movie, took me a while to understand the harsh ending. I didn't know it was a remake..

Defectiv3_Detectiv34790d ago

I've yet to see Infernal Affairs but your arguements over the backstory kind of make sense...there is a reason The Departed won best editing. The average shot in the first hour and 1/2 or so of The Departed last for about 4 seconds. Scorsese and Co. did a good job of handling the backstory considering all they had to work with. The movie really doesn't slow down until the end of the 2nd act.


8 Best Movie Remakes: The Departed, Funny Games and More | Leisurebyte

Check Out the 8 Best Movie Remakes that were as good as the original.

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Mark Wahlberg’s 10 Best Movies

Mark Wahlberg, who turns 44 today, has traveled a long road to become the Academy Award-nominated actor and accomplished television and film producer that we know him as now.

On his birthday, we give you the 10 best Mark Wahlberg movies of all time.

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Aldous_Snow3339d ago

I cannot name one good movie he has had the leading role in. Does nothing for me.

Porcelain_Chicken3338d ago

I know I'm in the minority but I loved 'The other guys'. I thought it was hilarious as hell. Same with Ted.

Soldierone3336d ago

Can't be in minority, I absolutely love that movie! Also everyone I know quotes it all the time still.


The 5 Most Epic Leonardo DiCaprio Movies

Leonardo DiCaprio won his first Golden Globe for his role in “The Wolf of Wall Street” and is in the Oscar hunt for Best Actor. However, this isn’t his first movie that has garnered critical and audience approval. This got us thinking, what were his most epic roles and the most epic movies he’s been in? There are many movies that could have easily made this list, especially some of his earlier work. However, we decided to limit this top 5 list to his more recent work.

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TheHergulaX3838d ago

When it says epic, does it actually mean the most "epic"? Well... I like the list anyways.