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Gman Reviews | Double Feature Recommendations: Super 8

Gman writes:
So here’s a new feature I’d like to take a crack at. Every week, linked to a theatrical release show in my This Week in Cinema, I’m going to recommend a couple (occasionally more) films that I think would go well with a film that’s been released in cinemas. Sometimes I’m going to be a bit shallow or really introspective, since from time to time I’ll not have seen the latest release myself yet, but that’s besides the point. So make sure to comment and let me know what you think:
Every once in while you’ll watch a movie and think to yourself that you’ve seen bits of this before, or it looks very similar. Well that’s usually because it’s true. However, with that said that doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s anything wrong with the film, just that you’ve watched one too many. What a lot of people, including myself, like to do is to compliment that movie by checking out related (directly or indirectly) films that might give you a bit of more insight into the genre, filmm...

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'Super 8' at 10: What's in the (mystery) Box?

They say when you love someone, you love them even for their faults, and well, ten years later, we still love everything about Super 8, despite some minor flaws.

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5 Best Teaser Trailers That Didn’t Ruin The Movie

MenStuff: "One of the finer unappreciated talents of filmmakers is the ability to deliver a captivating and anticipation-building teaser trailer. Now, to be specific, a teaser trailer is what is released prior to the first trailer for the movie, to plant the initial seed of the film and raise some curiosity about the movie."

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WizzroSupreme3194d ago

The first Transformers teaser really suckered me in the first time around, sad to say. I learned my lesson after the first hour, I can safely say.

RetrospectRealm3193d ago

Super 8 wins this because it's the only one not of a franchise film where we already know the whole story. That's why The Force Awakens gets away with showing practically nothing. They already know we're buying tickets.


The Best Films Of 2011

2011 was a great year for the film industry. Box office flops were large in number, but even so a lot of instant classics were released throughout last year. I wonder though, out of all the hundreds of movies that came out in 2011, which ones were the absolute best of the best? Let’s examine this according to each distinct film season.

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kariyanine4331d ago

A little late to the party with this one aren't we?