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Major Plot Point Revealed For The Dark Knight Rises

ComicBookMovie writes:
Things are have been rather quiet lately as far as news is concerned for the final installment in Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. Aside from a few set reports and photos we haven't gotten much else, well you're in luck, I've got for you an exclusive CBM scoop on a potentially major plot point for The Dark Knight Rises.


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alycakes4794d ago

Well, this tells us a lot if you want to know. It seems to be a real source and actually true but again.....all will be revealed when the movie comes out.

-Superman-4794d ago

Break Batman? He dies

Corepred44794d ago

Why would anyone even think about clicking on that link when it says spoilers inside. who would want to spoil christopher nolan's latest batman movie?!

Blacktric4794d ago

He won't die. In the comics, he goes into therapy while Azrael takes his place as Batman and Bane becomes the crimelord of Gotham. Then, Wayne gets healed sometime later.

Downtown boogey4794d ago (Edited 4794d ago )

Not surprising at all, really... Just a quite potent turn for our hero.

Now... a possible *SPOILER*

Remember the leaked photo from some time ago? The green pit?

Merivigian4794d ago

I smell a possibility for a heal ;) But then again, Nolan is going for real so idk.

D2K4793d ago

That better not happen. I caught that little tidbit too when it said, "during their 'first' fight together."

In the comic after Bane did what he did it was all over. If that happens here that needs to be the end of the movie. It loses all credibility and impact if it doesn't end the movie.

alycakes4794d ago

Yes...that was interesting too....somehow I think they do like to leak things out just to keep us on our toes.

violent80sarcade824793d ago

christopher nolan is a dumbass in the batman knightfall series it shows all of batmans cool villians running around gotham batman has to hunt down each one never getting any sleep until the very end he faces bane who breaks his back because batman didnt get a chance to heal after beating up joker,2face,riddler,killer-cro c the list goes on by the time he gets to bane hes exhausted but nolan is a idiot u cant just bring in bane out of nowhere u have to bring out all the other villians like riddler penguin scarface black mask all their henchmen and the rest of batmans rogues gallery way before he should have did a movie with boring ass bane.

Nes_Daze4793d ago

I'm worried about how this movie will turn out, especially since this plot point has been revealed. If it was up to me, I would have Batman fight many of the previous villains, THEN Bane would come in and do what he did. I would also hint at the end the next batman...

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