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LRA: True Grit - Blu-ray Review

LRA writes: Watching this film again at home has only solidified it as one of the best films to come out in the last few years, the fact that it is a western only makes it that much more special. It is also notable for giving us what I believe to be one of the best debut performances by an actor ever with the discovery of Hailee Steinfeld. I still hold true that she gave the best performance of last year no matter what anyone says. I have also found a new appreciation for the ending of the film which I was initially lukewarm on but after understanding the novel a little more I have come to like it. This is an amazing movie filled with amazing performances across the board that will please just about anyone who gives it a chance.

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-MD-4793d ago (Edited 4793d ago )

I caught True Grit in theaters with my brother and I thought it was great. Definitely check it out on bluray if you're into westerns/ haven't seen it yet.

Hailee Steinfeld is the standout here.

alycakes4793d ago

It was wonderful and I've seen it again since. She was great and I'm sure she'll have a long career too. Something about the cast just clicked. I bought it as soon as it came out.


Ahsoka: Celebrating Five Emmy Nominations!

Join us in celebrating Disney Plus series "Ahsoka" as it garners five Emmy nominations! Discover the categories and what makes this show a standout in the world of fantasy and sci-fi.

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Arthur the King review - ChristCenteredGamer

CCG writes - "Arthur the King is based off of the true story of a pro adventure racer named Michael Light. Pro adventure racers traverse over four hundred miles on dangerous terrain in a ten-day time-span. For context, an Ironman competition is 140 miles. "

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Top 12 Best Video Game Movie and TV Adaptations of All Time, Ranked

TNS: "Despite years of mindless cash-ins and unimaginative copy-paste borefests, video game adaptations have finally turned a corner! Here are the best of the best."

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