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FilmFracture: Beginners Review

James Jay Edwards of FilmFracture writes: "Beginners is an odd little love story. Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan Kenobi from the Star Wars prequels) is Oliver, a sad young graphic artist who has just had two big bombs dropped on him. The first big shock is that his father Hal (played by the legendary Christopher Plummer) has announced that he is gay, and has been for his entire life. The second is that Hal also has terminal cancer. Oliver struggles to come to terms with his father's impending death and newly reborn homosexuality while dealing with the fact that Hal's marriage to Oliver's dead mother was a sham. That much alone would be enough for anyone to have trouble digesting. Poor Oliver's life gets even more complicated when he finally meets Anna (Inglourious Basterds' Melanie Laurent), who, after several failed relationships, he believes may be the girl of his dreams. Beginners is Oliver's story of relating to his father, during his life and after his death while trying to relate to Anna at the same time. "

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Sean’s Top 10 Films of 2011

Sean of Trendy Gamers: 2011 has validated my continued passion for film with a slew of ambitious and riveting films. It’s never easy to place judgment on somebody else’s work, but as a fan of all genres, here are my top ten films of 2011.

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alycakes4580d ago

I want to see The Decendants, Girl With The Dragon Tatoo, and Drive and I've see Warrior and MI4 and Drive and don't really care to see the others....maybe 13 Assassins...maybe someday.

TrendyGamers4580d ago

No Jack and Jill though, tsk tsk.

aDDicteD4580d ago

hmmm,, haven't watched the descendants yet

TrendyGamers4579d ago

I haven't either but its getting so much acclaim that I just might have to.


New to Blu-ray November 15, 2011

Movies Hate You Too writes:

This is a pretty slow week for Blu-ray releases with only a few new releases with only one even close to semi-action oriented. There are however a few good catalog releases with one dating back all the way to 1927.

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‘Beginners’ Review [Trendy Gamers]

Trendy Gamers: This is one of our favorite films in years. Mike Mill’s Beginners is like a metaphorical cup of hot coco when you’re feeling cold. It’s a modern day fairy tale meant to uplift the audience, instilling a sense of faith meant to encourage us not to give up on finding love; first though, it wants us to be happy with who we are.

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