Arcee:Ten years ago today, Moulin Rouge! was released in theaters (well, technically it was released in limited theaters on May 18th but was released in full on June 1st) and from the first time I saw it on the big screen it caught my eye like very few musicals have. It had beautiful visuals, enchanting musical numbers, amazing actors and actresses and a story that is as classic as any I have ever seen. Moulin Rouge! seemed to just jump out at the audience and demand that they pay attention to what was going on up on that screen. And I was certainly not the only one who was captivated by this movie as it would later go on to be the first musical film nominated for a Best Picture Academy Award since All That Jazz back in 1979 – 22 years earlier.
Blueraycenter writes: 20th Century Fox has officially announced “Moulin Rouge!” and “William Shakespear’s Romeo & Juliet” for Blu-ray release on October 19. Both Blu-ray discs will include a new uncut footage and directly supervised by director Baz Luhrmann. Also, Moulin Rouge! will include an alternate opening sequence featuring the Cat Stevens hit “Father & Son”.
I guess not many people will have much to say about Moulin Rouge but me...I'm a little like you. I don't care for all musicals but I have enjoyed some. This one and Phantom of the Opera are my two favorite. I actually watch them at least once a year.
What captured me on Moulin Rouge wasn't just the music but the first time I heard Ewan McGregor belt out that first song...I couldn't believe the rang he had. It was just so beautiful and his tone was so strong and smooth. I just fell in love with his voice right then and there. Then at the end when they sing Come What May together it just gets to me every time.
I do love all the music but I also have my favorite moments and another one is the one with the Roxanne song and dance in it. That one also gets to me where she has to go to the Duke's room.
The story itself is a love story like no other and I'm not a person that like mushy love stories and I don't like tear jerkers but this is different.
I couldn't believe either one could sing like that. They both threw me for a loop....but for me Ewan was the one with the stongest and most talented voice.
My husband has gone to see a few with me just to humor me and has come out loving them. We also saw Chicago and he enjoyed that one also. It was a great one but still doesn't compare to this.