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Hesher (2011) - Popzara Review

A strange, unpleasant film that lacks the tools to successfully get its point across; it knows what it wants to say but not what it wants to be. Full review by Chris Pandolfi.


Metro Times: Hesher Review - Darkly Funny, Refreshingly Blunt, Middle Finger to Conventionality

Metro Times: For those not versed in dated mall lingo, a "hesher" was a particular breed of long-haired, pre-grunge headbanger, similar to a burnout; but usually distinguished by more grime and a nastier attitude. Joseph Gordon-Levitt has attitude in spades as the title character, a living personification of the scraggly social misfits who'd do donuts in suburban parking lots.

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Soldierone4820d ago

I really want to see it but its not playing in any of my local theaters...

JL4820d ago

Yea I'm in the same boat. The unfortunate part about living in a small city. Though, we do have a small film society here that brings some of these more obscure indie movies to this one theater here for like one weekend sometimes. Maybe I'll luck out and they do that with this one.

Soldierone4819d ago

The thing is Im not in a small city. Its run by Harkins which has gone on the become the largest chain in the west coast, except maybe AMC.

And yet I checked my movies app and so on and it isn't even listed anywhere.

JL4819d ago

Well I don't mean to say I live in Mayberry or anything lol Just a smaller city. I don't live in/near a city like LA or New York or Atlanta, Chicago, Miami, etc.

That being said, the movie has only opened in 42 theaters according to the data I'm seeing.

Sahil4819d ago

only 42.. man, that could be a record!


Detroit News: 'Hesher' Review - Gritty Drifter Shines as a Family's Angel in Hesher

Detroit News: Hesher is a beautiful mess.

With his long, scraggly hair, skin-and-bones bod and obscene, amateurish tattoos, he looks like some heavy metal washout.

But then one of the beauties of "Hesher" is you never really know who he is, or where he came from. He's a wastoid of mystery.

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alycakes4820d ago

I don't know if this sounds like anything close to what I want to see right now.


STL Today Film Review: 'Hesher' is Worse Than Bad

STL Today: "Hesher" is the definition of a dubious achievement. For the rest of his life, Spencer Susser can brag to the other ditch diggers that he persuaded two of the best young actors in Hollywood to star in one of the worst movies ever made.

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