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Five Apocalyptic Scenarios Worse Than What's Coming This Saturday (Video)

Moviefone: If you've been living under a rock recently, we have some bad news: The jig is up. The game is over. We're finished. The apocalypse is upon us.

Yes, the day you've been waiting for is almost here. This Saturday, May 21, 2011, Jesus Christ will return to earth to kick things into high gear, according to a movement of loosely affiliated Christian groups, websites and radio stations that have mounted an elaborate campaign, including billboards, bus stop bench ads and a traveling caravan, all to spread the word. If you live in a major northeastern city, someone is probably standing on your street corner with a "Save the Date" sign right this very second.

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Megaton4818d ago

The Road is probably the most accurate portrayal of post-apocalyptic life. Really grim and hopeless.

-MD-4818d ago

The Road was a fine film. I definitely wouldn't want to experience what the characters in that movie did.

kulka4818d ago

good movie but i dout the world ending this saturday I want to watch the champions league final :P

Megaton4818d ago

I'm pretty confident that the world will not be ending in my lifetime. Well... not by natural disasters or some "holy" method. Nuclear war is always on the table I suppose.

-MD-4818d ago

I suspect the world will end at the hands of humans. Nothing from natural disasters. Someone gonna just end the world one day with a big ass explosion.

hazelamy4817d ago

the world will be fine, even if it ends up a nuclear wasteland for millennia there will be life somewhere on earth.
eventually that life will spread, evolve, and a whole new species will become the dominant lifeform on earth, maybe they take better care of the planet than we did.

the earth survived at least one mass extinction, it'll survive if we managed to kill ourselves off too.

kulka4818d ago

Humans have to start conserve nature a little bit more we are curently destroying our planet and ourselves

alycakes4817d ago

Well darn....I was still on the 2012 plan myself. The only bad thing about that would be all those great movies that wouldn't get made.

Nes_Daze4817d ago

Where did this Saturday end of the world thing come from?

Megaton4817d ago

Where most of these things come from, some religious nut. There's more info about it in this thread:

Nes_Daze4815d ago

wow, not surprising though..-_-

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