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Top Ten: Movie Fight Scenes

Celluloid Zombie writes: Violence is a funny thing. Few of us actually enjoy participating in it, but most of us will at some point thoroughly enjoy watching it in a movie. Ah, the magical catharsis of cinema!

The movies are replete with scenes of battle. Fight scenes are the meat and potatoes of the action genre, and most thrillers will either end on one or throw a couple in somewhere. Picking only ten was always going to leave this list with a whole heap of contenders unfairly cast aside, but there’s no way I’m going to sit here and write fifty of these bastards.

So here are my favourite ten. For the sake of making the choice easier, I’ve left out battle scenes between entire armies. Perhaps another time. Please feel free to add your own top ten, if you have one, or simply chastise me for omitting your single favourite. Maybe we can settle it outside.

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alycakes4825d ago

We would have to take it outside...what happened to Kill Bill 1 and the Crazy 88?

CelluloidZombie4824d ago

I'm not a big fan of Tarantino, alycakes. He rarely makes my lists, I'm afraid. It was a good scene but not one of my favourites.

alycakes4824d ago

All's forgiven then. Everyone has their favorites I guess.

CelluloidZombie4824d ago

Lol, thanks, Alycakes. With only ten choices, I was always doomed to disappoint. ;-)

blur994824d ago

There should be at least 2 or 3 Bruce Lee fights included. I did like that Star Wars Episode 1's Darth Maul scene made it though.

CelluloidZombie4824d ago

Good point, Blur99. He's not someone I've seen a great deal of, but I've seen enough to know he deserved a place.

Thanks for commenting.

filmmattic4824d ago

YES! Cheers for including They Live. That movie is one of my guilty favorites from the 80's. It is so utterly ridiculous—the dialogue and the action spring to mind (lol for mentioning Piper's extremely LONG street fight with Keith David!)—but Carpenter makes it all work.

LOOK_AT_THIS_I4824d ago (Edited 4824d ago )

They had to include that fight scene from They Live to be credible. It was even duplicated in South Park, the cripple fight episode (Timmy vs Jimmy) for those to young to know anything about the Rowdy one.

IP Man had some good scenes as well, and you cant forget Road House.

filmmattic4823d ago

Awesome find! Thanks for linking.

Indeed, Road House is a classic.

alycakes4824d ago

I loved the musice they kept playing on that movie "They Live" It was just so cool. Great ending too.

mindedone4824d ago

This article fails by not having the videos

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