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( Thor Review I know that I had been hearing from as far back as when the announcement was made that some people, mainly fans of the comic book, were worried that Kenneth Branagh had been hired to helm the feature length film based on Marvel’s thunder god, Thor. People knew of his background doing Shakespearian films and other serious movies like Henry V, Hamlet, A Midwinter’s Tale and Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein – yet they questioned whether his brand of direction would translate well into a comic book adaptation. Sure, he was used to working with the dialect and vernacular that the characters in Thor would be using, but could he get the action and feel of the character or would he just go off on a different tangent and alienate the fans of the comic book. Well, I believe it is safe to say that all those fears and anxieties can be laid to rest as Thor is definitely one of the best comic book movies to hit the screen since Spider-Man 2.

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sdtarm4829d ago

so thor is actually good? too bad the game sucks

Nes_Daze4829d ago

Isn't that the case with every game based on a movie? There are some exceptions though.

Arcee4829d ago

The only good game movie that I can remember in the past 10 years is Spider-Man 2: The Game. Correct me if I am missing another one.

But yeah, the movie is quite good.

newn4gguy4829d ago

NO!!! The movie is terrible! Everyone in the theater was facepalming throughout the movie.

Did we all see a different movie? Everyone walked out complaining.

Arcee4829d ago

I guess you and your theater saw a different movie. Overall, from my readers on my site and people I know and talk to, the film is getting substantially more positive reviews than bad.

newn4gguy4829d ago

I know. That's why I'm freaking out. Everyone loves it...except for the fifty people who walked out of MY showing.

The writing was such a joke. The director had no idea what he was doing. I'm usually very lax when it comes to movies, in general. This was Daredevil all over again though.

We get it! He's not from Earth! Why do you have to beat us over the head with jokes about it?

Arcee4828d ago

I thought it was well written. As a long time reader of the comic book (20 plus years), I thought it blended in all the good aspects of the character. Plus, if you look at the character over the past 50 years, writers playing off the fact that he is not human or from Earth is a constant theme in the comic book.

Kenneth Branagh was the perfect choice as director for this film as he had experience with the type of dialog that was going to be used.

Well, like they say, to each his own, right?

fury434828d ago

Thor was good. We enjoyed everything about it. The actor were great and the action fight scenes were really cool. They told a good story and left us wanting more.


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