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Who Are Your Favorite Actors and Why?

Sometimes, they are reason enough to watch a movie one wouldn’t be interested in seeing otherwise and always, they are a delight to watch: Favorite actors. Everyone has favorites she enjoys watching more than others. Who are yours and why?

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-MD-4832d ago (Edited 4832d ago )

Off the top of my head

Ellen Page, Bale, Chloe Moretz Downey Jr, Noomi Rapace, Bullock. I'll watch pretty much anything they're in.

-MD-4830d ago (Edited 4830d ago )

I probably could have given some reasons for my choices but most of them should be pretty obvious.

Ellen Page - Great in everything she's in. Seems down to earth in interviews, relatable and actually has range (ie: Hard Candy). Just a pleasure to watch on the screen. Also cute as hell.

Christian Bale - I've yet to see him give a bad performance. Batman, Rescue Dawn, The Machinist, American Psycho etc... all great.

Chloe Moretz - Scene stealer in everything she's in. She carried Kick-Ass like a boss and it was her first big role. Massive acting range at the age of 14. I hope Hollywood doesn't run her into the ground.

Downey Jr. - Fun to watch. I don't think I've seen him give a bad performance yet. I even thought he did a good job in Due Date even though everybody else seemed to hate it. Also a very funny guy.

Noomi - To be honest the only film of hers I've seen is the Millenium Trilogy but that's only because she's brand new in the States. I want to see Sherlock Holmes 2 purely off the fact that she's in it and I didn't even like the first one.

Bullock - One of the few actresses I actually think deserve the success they've gotten. Probably top 5 funniest chicks in hollywood.

Depp too but I think everyone is burned out on Depp or at least just a little bit.

Portman - Just watch Leon. Really just watch it.

alycakes4832d ago

Robert Downey Jr
Ryan Reynolds
George Clooney
Sandra Bullock
Ellen Page
Johnny Depp
Angelina Jolie

That's just right off the top of my head right now

Nes_Daze4832d ago

Christian Bale- because of the batman movies
Johnny Depp- funny and can portray just about anything.
Edward Norton- he's just a very good actor..
Will Ferrel- funny

Armadilo4832d ago

Danny Trejo most badass Mexican Alive

alycakes4831d ago

He is good isn't he?
I forgot to say why I thought they were great on my picks.
1. RDjr.-even when he was in trouble in his younger days, he was able to do his acting well. He could do drama, comedy, and had a dry sense of humor about him.

2.Ryan Reynold-he's always been funny and I like funny but he had me when I saw him in Smokin Aces...

3.George Clooney -he brings a maturity to his roles. You look into his eyes and you believe everything he's saying.

4.Johnny Depp-Can play any character you ask of him to play. good, bad, funny, mean, horrible...the lines on his face and his eyes will change and he will make you see that person he's protraying.

5.Angelina Jolie-Best darn action female actress. She is not afraid of getting dirty and she can also play whatever part you give her.

6.Sandra Bullock -So sweet and so funny. I don't see romantic comedies unless she is the one in them because to me they are just comedies. She makes me forget my troubles.

Ellen Page- She's just getting started but she's already shown she can do funny and drama and I'm waiting to see more.

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