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Yvette Vickers dies at 82; Former Actress and Playboy Playmate

Vickers' body was found by a neighbor in a mummified state that suggests she may have been dead for close to a year, police say. She appeared in 1950s B-movies such as 'Attack of the 50 Foot Woman.'

Crazay4832d ago

That actually is really sad that she was dead for so long and noone even noticed.

RIP Yvette.

-MD-4832d ago (Edited 4832d ago )

It's pretty sad. At that age though most of your friends have passed on and you aren't really involved with your family as you might have been in your younger years.

Who knows? Maybe she was a bitch and nobody liked her. Either way though yeah it's sad.

Megaton4832d ago

Read about this somewhere yesterday. Crazy that it took someone almost a year to notice.

darklordzor4832d ago

Very sad that she wasn't found for over a year. You'd think the electricity would have been shut off or something.

I would hate to get to the point where no one in the world would call to check on me in a year. I couldn't imagine having no one.

Also, why did the neighbors just now check? I mean they said they noticed the mail piling up, but wouldn't they have seen that after a month or two, instead of a whole year?

-MD-4832d ago

"Also, why did the neighbors just now check? I mean they said they noticed the mail piling up, but wouldn't they have seen that after a month or two, instead of a whole year?"

I was wondering the same thing. If I saw a neighbors mailbox overflowing with mail for months I'd knock on the door.

darklordzor4832d ago

See, that part just didn't make sense to me. If mail was the main reason they decided to check, it shouldn't have taken so long.

artsaber4832d ago

But damn, no activity for over a year and nobody notices... weird.

darklordzor4832d ago

Very odd. Like I said, I'd hope someone would notice me missing for over a year.

alycakes4832d ago

How very, very sad. I would like to think that someone would miss me after a week or two.

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