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MTV Movie Awards Nominees Announced

Votes are in for the 2011 MTV Movie Awards and the nominees for this year have been named. Leading the pack with the most nominations is Twilight: Eclipse. I guess that’s very telling of how seriously this awards show can really be taken. But, the fans have spoken and the glittery vampires have some serious mass appeal. Not far behind, though, is Nolan’s Inception picking up 7 nominations (behind Eclipse‘s 8). Meanwhile, Harry Potter, The Social Network and Black Swantrail just behind those two, with all five being the nominees for “Best Movie”.

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-MD-5039d ago

-Best Movie

-Best Male Performance
Jesse Eisenberg – Social Network

-Best Female Performance
Natalie Portman – Black Swan

-Best Breakout Star
Chloe Grace Moretz – Kick-Ass

-Best Comedic Performance (tie)
Emma Stone – Easy A
Zach Galifianakis – Due Date

JL5039d ago

I like Zach, but I didn't find him to be too entirely funny in Due Date. Just wasn't his best work (that was largely due to the script though I think). I'd have to give it to Emma. I'd also give her the best line award, too I think. Either her or Tom Hardy.

As for the rest of those, I can agree with those too. Well, except Best Male Performance. You really want to put Eisenberg over the Twilight boys? :P Ok, clearly I'm kidding.

Inception better win Best Fight as well.

Best Villain...Ned Beatty maybe.
Jaw-Dropping I have to call a tie between Inception and 127 Hours. The hard part in deciding is that they're "jaw-dropping" in two totally different ways. Inception makes your jaw drop and then mutter holy shit. While 127 Hours made people's jaws drop before proceeding to throw up.

Ryan Reynolds needs to win that Scared as Shit award.

Chloe is biggest badass.

And here's to hoping Portman and Kunis win best kiss :D lol

-MD-5039d ago

Portman and Kunis definitely deserve to win best kiss. Having Ellen Page and JGL up for best kiss is kind of laughable too.

Agreed with Chloe being biggest badass (of course).

darklordzor5039d ago

Due Date in general wasn't very good so it's hard to blame the actors for that. Unfortunately I'm sure Scared as Shit will go to a screaming girl, despite Reynolds should win.

Defectiv3_Detectiv35038d ago

I'd have to give best comedic performance to Wil Ferrell, it was refreshing to see him cast against type for a change, playing the prude instead of the overgrown fratboy.

Megaton5038d ago

Been a long time since I've watched any sort of MTV award show. Don't Twilight-esque teen flicks usually sweep?

xVeZx5037d ago

more like:

-Best Movie

-Best Male Performance

-Best Female Performance

-Best Breakout Star

-Best Comedic Performance (tie)

darklordzor5039d ago

I got to be honest and say that I actually look forward to this award show more than the Oscars. The show itself is much more entertaining than the Oscars.

JL5039d ago

If we're talking showmanship, then yea I'd put MTV Movie Awards over the Oscars as that's what the MTV Awards are really about: a big circus pretty much. As for prestige, obviously I'm far more interested in finding out what Oscars were awarded to who and which films.

That being said, while I can't take any of the awards serious for the MTV Movie Awards (seriously, look how many nominations Eclipse got), it can provide some entertaining moments depending on who they have on there. For that reason I won't shy away from watching it if I'm actually home at the time and whatnot. Nothing that I make a pressed attempt to ensure I get to watch it though.

darklordzor5039d ago

Oh yeah, I'm mostly talking about showmanship. Oscars can't be beat for prestige but they are just so boring, that for the last several years I've found myself skipping them and just reading the press release announcement of the winners.

Mostly I like the MTV Awards skits and the fact that thy use their commercial time to show off new trailers and stuff like that. You know, obvious stuff you'd think studios would want to take advantage of during the Oscars.

Armadilo5038d ago

what is this the Nickelodeon Teen Choice Awards ?

alycakes5038d ago

The MTV awards are very entertaining. They aren't always about the acting (Twilight) but still very entertaining. Love that they do show a lot more videos and trailers. They have more of what I think I would pick for best of like Inception and 127 hours which should have won more at the Oscars.

Nes_Daze5038d ago

How does Inception have 1 less nomination than twilight? -_-

doctorstrange5038d ago

Tween scene always wins out there, completely rubbish awards.

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