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Tom Hardy is Interviewed in the UK and Says He's Signed for More Inception Films

AICN says:

With INCEPTION making over $800 million world wide... it would seem pretty inevitable that they would continue... but I kind of hope that they wouldn't. The story had a deliberate ending and its magic that it wove over the audience that fell gaga in love with it, might sour if it was additionally complicated. BUT - if they are doing a sequel to CLASH OF THE TITANS remake... it'd seem like a no-brainer to do it with INCEPTION, but would Nolan do it? Without him, there'd be no point.

Also - the news that Hardy will not be wearing the Gimp mask - and is going from 168lbs to 196lbs - and we suppose that would be pure muscle gain... that's a pretty impressive difference. Not a lot, but every tidbit is a tad juicy to mull over.

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-MD-4904d ago (Edited 4904d ago )

How is a sequel to Inception going to work? I don't see it happening.

Then again this is Hollywood...

martynmj4903d ago (Edited 4903d ago )

I don't see it happening either, At least i hope it doesn't happen. Christopher Nolan would have to do something pretty special if he did revisit it

Crazay4903d ago

I do believe the mantra/slogan around here is "In Nolan We Trust". CHances are really good that they'll have the discussion with him to see what his thoughts are and let him take some time to hash out a few ideas. Should the creative juices flow properly (doesn't seem to be an issue with Nolan) then I think we'll see him jump back into the world of Inception. You don't just let a movie with a total box office of $800 million just fall off into obscurity. You do something to remind people it's out there and give them a new movie or some form of media to support it.

Crazay4904d ago

If Nolan makes the next movie, then chances are really good it;s going to be something pretty effin sweet.

-MD-4904d ago

I highly doubt Nolan would ever let anyone but himself do the next one.

Crazay4904d ago

Something tells me he may not have the say in the matter.

Soldierone4903d ago

He has plenty say in the matter lol. Everyone knows this is Nolans work, only he knows where he was going with it. If WB were stupid and went ahead and started making one without him, theyd lose the highest ranked director they have and lose tons of fans.

Now if WB presures him into doing it, thats another story.

Crazay4903d ago

I'm fully aware that this was his brainchild but how much of the rights to the series does he own? My guess is very very little if anything at all. Would it be a mistake to go ahead without him? Maybe - but if someone else has some ideas on where they can go with it, and he doesn't want to continue on - I say go for it.

Soldierone4903d ago

Yeah but if you do that its like a giant slap in Nolans face. There is a time when you use your power and a time you dont. WB very well can say eff you nolan we want more, but are the consequences worth it?

WB isnt suffering right now, they have TONS of movies to use and make money off of. They have batman and tons of superhero movies coming. They dont need Inception 2 "that" bad to justify a move like that in my opinion.

Crazay4903d ago

I think we may well see this turn into a trilogy with the full blessing of Nolan and support regardless of his involvement. I don't think he has the right ego to be pissy pants about WB wanting to move on without him.

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Soldierone4903d ago

Well its kinda lame. in a way its cool and ill see it, but why not just leave it at what it is? Why risk the chance of ruining it?

Its like doing a sequal to Shutter Island, its just not needed at all.

Mmmkay4903d ago

another matrix trilogy..... the second and third was awesome....


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