When the time is right, Darren Bousman is going to open up about the spooky shenanigans that befell his production in Spain while shooting 11-11-11. But he's not ready yet. And he's still trying to make sense of the weirdness he faced with his crew (which brings to mind the unexplained occurrences that were felt on films like The Omen). For now, Bousman is content with simply talking about the film itself.
Spiral director Darren Lynn Bousman reveals that the Saw reboot was inspired by David Fincher's classic Se7en.
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About 11 years ago, Darren Lynn Bousman first got attention for directing not just Saw II, but it’s two sequels as well, and those being the three most successful movies in the franchise, he was able to go off and do his own thing, which was the horror musical, Repo! The Genetic Opera. In the time since then, Bousman has kept with a number of more personal projects, and one of them that’s finally seeing the light of day is one called Abattoir. - See more at: Read more at: