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The Hatchet Films: Old School American Horror

NFamousGamers writes:
Slasher films have been a staple of the horror genre since the early 1970s (1960s if you count Psycho). But the big boom was in the 70s. Gory, blood-infested films with lots of pretty girls with nice racks getting hacked to pieces by a demented mad man were the rage. This tradition got stale in late 1980s and the early 1990s, but was brought back by Wes Craven in 1996 with the hit movie Scream. The genre was revived again with a fresh take on it in the form of Adam Green's Hatchet in 2007 (it was actually released in film festivals in 2006 but didn’t receive wide release until 2007).

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MrMyers5141d ago

I have enjoyed both of these so far. They were nice old-school b-style slasher movies I thought.


'Hatchet' Going On Theatrical Tour for 10th Anniversary

- Bloody Disgusting!

Never got to see Hatchet on the big screen? You may soon get the chance. As we announced last week, a very special 10th anniversary screening of Adam Green’s Hatchet is taking place at next month’s UK FrightFest, where a never-seen version of the throwback slasher film will be shown to the festival audience.

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Home & Theater: Hatchet 2 - Home Video Review

David Weaver from Home And Theater writes: I had heard through the "web"-vine that this was supposed to be one of the goriest and purposely cheeseball horror/slasher films in recent memory. I had never seen the original one (nor did I ever have the intention to) but this sequel kind of intrigued me a bit. So I plopped down my $2.50 at the local video store and said what the hell. I can honestly say now that it lives up to the hype of the gory death scenes it has been beating its chest over but does that mean it was an honest to goodness good slasher film...?

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AMC Unexpectedly Pulls Unrated Slasher 'Hatchet II' From All Screens

CNN Entertainment: "Just a couple of days after the release of Hatchet II, the AMC theater chain has pulled the unrated slasher sequel from all of the cinemas that were showing the movie.

"We woke up this morning and the movie was gone," says director Adam Green. "I'm bewildered and confused."

darklordzor5273d ago

Is it just me, or does this director always seem to come off as an arrogant whiner? He talks like he's the biggest thing since Orson Welles. That and I totally disagree with his arguments against the MPAA. It's not an 'evil' organization, but I feel a necessary one. Even the biggest Hollywood movies all listen to the organization, so what makes him think he's better than it?

Oh well, I can't say as to why AMC would have pulled it, but my guess is after watching it a few times, and maybe getting some complaints, they decided featuring an unrated movie wasn't in the best interest of their business.