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Twitch: Avatar Extended Edition Blu-ray Review

Critic Charles Webb takes another, slightly longer trip to Pandora with this handsomely-produced set for a little independent space film you might have heard of.

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-Mezzo-5142d ago

Almost all of the reviewers have the same opinion of the Extended Edition version.

Same As Me.

cwebb395142d ago

Yeah, it was a fantastic disc for an aight movie.

Sunny_D5141d ago

Probably getting 7's because of the lack of content it has.

Crazyglues5140d ago

Actually I always felt like Avatar was missing pieces, so this was great, Love the intro scenes... when I saw avatar for the first time I said wow, why does this seem like we skipped some stuff right there... Now I see why..

While it really wasn't needed it does complete things you may have thought was strange that it was that short, if your a serious movie buff like me..

-but have no fear if you have seen the movie you have seen the movie these are scenes that could have been cut, and that's why they were.. Good if you need to see everything but not a must see..


Romancemas Day 11: Elf

Don’t sit on a throne of lies for day 11 of Romancemas.

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What Twilight Taught Me About Vampires That Bram Stoker’s Dracula Didn’t

Bram Stoker’s Dracula might be seen as the quintessential vampire story, but Twilight teaches us more about the creatures of the night.

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Gremlins Is The Greatest Christmas Movie Of All Time And It Isn’t Even Close

No point in arguing it, because Gremlins is the best Christmas movie ever released.

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FTLmaster6d ago

Hard to not disagree with this statement. Gremlins is one of the goats.